The Runaway Bride pt.3

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"Someone's been digging. Oh, very Torchwood. Drilled by laser. How far down does it go?" The Doctor asks.

"Down and down, all the way to the centre of the Earth!"

"Really? Seriously? What for?" I ask.

"Dinosaurs" Donna says, the Doctor and I look at her.



"What are you on about, dinosaurs?" the Doctor asks confused.

"That film, Under the Earth, with dinosaurs. Trying to help" Donna says.

"That's not helping."

"Such a sweet trio."

"Only a madman talks to thin air and trust me, you don't want to make me mad. Where are you?" The Doctor asks.

"High in the sky. Floating so high on Christmas night."

"We didn't come all this way to talk on the intercom. Come on, let's have a look at you!" The Doctor says.

"Who are you with such command?"

"I'm the Doctor, this is the Seer."

"Prepare your best medicines, doctor man, for you will be sick at heart."

"Racnoss? But that's impossible. You're one of the Racnoss?" I say looking at the giant spider in front of me.

"Empress of the Racnoss."

"If you're the Empress, where's the rest of the Racnoss? Or, are you the only one?" I ask.

"Such a sharp mind."

"That's it, the last of your kind. The Racnoss come from the Dark Times, billions of years ago. Billions. They were carnivores, omnivores. They devoured whole planets" I continue.

"Racnoss are born starving. Is that our fault?"

"They eat people?" Donna asks.

"HC Clements, did he wear those, those er, black and white shoes?" The Doctor asks.

"He did. We used to laugh. We used to call him the fat cat in spats" The Doctor points to a pair of feet sticking out of the web across the ceiling, wearing black and white shoes "oh, my God!"

"Mmm. My Christmas dinner."

"You shouldn't even exist. Way back in history, the fledgling Empires went to war against the Racnoss they were wiped out" I say.

"Except for me."

"But that's what I've got inside me, that Huon energy thing. Oi! Look at me, lady, I'm talking. Where do I fit in? How comes I get all stacked up with these Huon particles? Look at me, you! Look me in the eye and tell me" Donna shouts.

"The bride is so feisty."

"Yes, I am! And I don't know what you are, you big thing, but a spider's just a spider and an axe is an axe! Now, do it!" Lance who happened to be above the Empress starts swinging, the Empress turns and hisses at him. Lance starts laughing and soon the Empress joins.

"That was a good one. Your face" Lance laughs.

"Lance is funny."

"What?" Donna asks.

"I'm sorry" the Doctor says.

"Sorry for what? Lance, don't be so stupid! Get her!" Donna shouts.

"God, she's thick. Months I've had to put up with her. Months. A woman who can't even point to Germany on a map" Lance continues to laugh.

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