Doomsday pt.2

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The Daleks burst through the door, and I turn to look at them.


"Delete. Delete" the Daleks and Cybermen fight it out.



"Everyone get down" a soldier yells as the Torchwood security join in the fight.

"Exterminate. Exterminate."

"Delete" the Cybermen don't stand a chance as the Daleks glide through with the Ark.

"Get down! Get down!"

"Emergency. All units will converge on the Torchwood Tower. Repeat. All Cybermen to Torchwood." The Doctor and I look carefully inside the warehouse, then crawl over to a crate the Doctor grabs a pair of Magnaclamps before the two of us start dodging laser fire to get back.

"Come on, please" Rose whispers just as the Doctor and I join her in hiding.

"Cover me" a soldier says running to join the fight I look back in again with my 3D glasses.

"Override roof mechanism" the warehouse roof shutters start to slide back "elevate."

"What're they doing? Why do they need to get outside?" Rose asks

"Time Lord science. What Time Lord science? What is it?" the Ark and the Black Dalek glide up and out of the warehouse.

"We've got to see what it's doing. We've got to go back up. Come on! All of you. top floor!" I say.

"That's forty-five floors up! Believe me, I've done them all" Jackie says.

"We could always take the lift" Jake says.

*Time skip*

The Doctor and I get to the window in time to see the Ark shooting out Daleks in all directions as it spins around.

"Time Lord science. It's bigger on the inside" I say.

"Did the Time Lords put those Daleks in there? What for?" Mickey asks.

"It's a prison ship" I reply.

"How many Daleks?" Rose asks.

"Millions" the Doctor and I reply.

"I'm sorry, but you've had it. This world's going to crash and burn. There's nothing we can do. We're going home" Pete says as he takes a yellow medallion from a commando "Jacks, take this. You're coming with us."

"But they're destroying the city" Jackie says.

"I'd forgotten you could argue. It's not just London, it's the whole world. But there's another world just waiting for you, Jacks. And it's safe as long as the Doctor and I close the breach" the Doctor and I who had our backs to the group turn around wearing our 3D glasses.

"Oh, we're ready. We've got the equipment right here. Thank you, Torchwood" the Doctor says using a computer terminal.

"Slam it down and close off both universes" I say from next to him.

"Reboot systems."

"But we can't just leave. What about the Daleks? And the Cybermen?" Rose says.

"They're part of the problem, and that makes them part of the solution. Oh yes! Well? Isn't anyone going to ask what is it with the glasses?" I say gesturing between myself and the doctor.

"What is it with the glasses?" Rose asks.

"We can see, that's what. because we've got two separate worlds, but in between the two separate worlds, we've got the Void. That's where the Daleks were hiding. And the Cybermen travelled through the Void to get here. And you lot, one world to another, via the Void. Oh, I like that. Via the Void. Look" I hand Rose my 3D glasses.

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