New Earth pt.2

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*Time skip*

"Nope, nothing odd. Surgery, post-op, nano-dentistry. No sign of a shop. They should have a shop" the Doctor says, still confused as to why they still don't have a shop.

"No, it's missing something else. When I was downstairs, those Nurse Cat Nuns were talking about Intensive Care. Where is it?" I ask.

"You're right. Well done" he replies, Rose stands beside the Doctor looking at the ground.

"Why would they hide a whole department? It's got to be there somewhere. Search the sub-frame."

"What if the sub-frame's locked?"

"Try the installation protocol" Rose say.

"Yeah. Of course. Sorry. Hold on" he uses his sonic on the interface and the whole wall slides down to reveal a corridor.

"Intensive Care. Certainly, looks intensive" Rose, the Doctor and I walk in Rose walks in front of the two of us down a staircase, the whole place is lined with cells, the Doctor opens one at random, it contains a very sick looking man.

"That's disgusting" Rose whispers

"what's wrong with him?"

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" he closes the door and moves to the next it contains a young woman.

"What disease is that?" I ask.

"All of them. Every single disease in the galaxy. They've been infected with everything."

"What about us? Are we safe?" Rose ask, the Doctor turns slightly at her odd behaviour and shrugs.

"The air's sterile. Just don't touch them" he closes the door.

"How many patients are there?" I ask.

"They're not patients."

"But they're sick" Rose says.

"They were born sick. They're meant to be sick. They exist to be sick. Lab rats. No wonder the Sisters have got a cure for everything. They've built the ultimate research laboratory. A human farm" the Doctor explains.

"Why don't they just die?" Rose asks leaning towards me.

"Plague carriers. The last to go" he raises an eyebrow, noticing something was defiantly wrong with her.

"It's for the greater cause" everyone turns to see Hame.

"Novice Hame, when you took your vows, did you agree to this?" the Doctor asks gesturing to the cells around him.

"The Sisterhood has sworn to help."

"What, by killing?"

"But they're not real people. They're specially grown. They have no proper existence."

"What's the turnover, hmm? Thousand a day? Thousand the next? Thousand the next? How many thousands? For how many years? How many!"

"Mankind needed us. They came to this planet with so many illnesses. We couldn't cope. We did try. We tried everything. We tried using clone-meat and bio-cattle, but the results were too slow, so the Sisterhood grew its own flesh. That's all they are. Flesh."

"These people are alive."

"But think of those Humans out there, healthy and happy, because of us."

"If they live because of this, then life is worthless."

"But who are you to decide that?

"I'm the Doctor. And if you don't like it, if you want to take it to a higher authority, then there isn't one. It stops with me."

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