Army Of Ghost pt.3

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"What's down here?" I ask.

"I don't, I don't know. I think it's building work. It's just renovations."

"You should go back" the Doctor says looking at Yvonne.

"Think again" the Doctor and I look at each other before going through the plastic curtains.

"What is it? What's down here?"

"Earpieces, ear pods. This world's colliding with another, and I think I know which one" I say as figures appear behind plastic curtains.

"What are they?" Yvonne asks.

"They came through first. The advance guard" the Doctor says, the figures rip the plastic sheets and step through.

"Cybermen!" The Doctor, the soldiers and open fire but it was no use a group of Cybermen had appeared behind them and taken each person hostage, the Cybermen escort the Doctor, Yvonne and I into the lever room.

"Get away from the machines. Do what they say. Don't fight them!" The Doctor says, the Cybermen activate their arm guns and shoot the scientists holding back the levers, mine and the Doctor's eyes widen.

"What are they?" Jackie asks.

"We are the Cybermen. The Ghost Shift will be increased to one hundred percent" the levers move up.


"Here come the ghosts" I mumble.

"But these Cybermen, what've they got to do with the ghosts?" Jackie asks.

"Do you never listen? A footprint doesn't look like a boot" the Doctor says.

"Achieving full transfer."

"They're Cybermen. All of the ghosts are Cybermen. Millions of them, right across the world" the Doctor continues.

"They're invading the whole planet" Yvonne says.

"It's not an invasion. It's too late for that. It's a victory" I say.

"Sphere activated. Sphere activated. Sphere activated. Sphere activated."

"But I don't understand. The Cybermen don't have the technology to build a Void Ship. That's way beyond you. How did you create that sphere?" I ask.

"The sphere is not ours."

"What?" the Doctor asks.

"The sphere broke down the barriers between worlds. We only followed. Its origin is unknown."

"Then what's inside it?" I ask.

"Rose is down there" Jackie says.

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