Planet Of The Dead

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The Doctor and I get on board, the bus.

"You're just in time, you two" the driver says as they swipe their cards and the doors close. The bus moves off. the Doctor sits next to a women while I sit in front turning to look at the two, the Doctor offers the women a piece of his chocolate egg, she looks up at the two of us.

"Hello, I'm the Doctor, this is the Seer, Happy Easter."

*Time skip*

"The funny thing is, we don't often do Easter. We can never find it. It's always at a different time. Although we remember the original. Between us three, what really happened was..." the Doctor gets cut off by beeping "oh. Sorry, hold on to that for me. Actually, go on, have it. Finish it. It's full of sugar and I'm determined to keep these teeth" the Doctor says, I produce a hand-held gizmo which has lit up.

"Ah. Oh, we've got excitation. I'm picking up something very strange" I say.

"I know the feeling" the women says.

"Rhondium particles, that's what we're looking for. This thing detects them. Look, this should go round, that little dish there" I say.

"Right now, a way out would come in pretty handy. Can you detect me one of those?" The West Indian couple sitting a little way behind on the other side talk.

"Ah, the little dish is going round" the Doctor says.


"And round. Whoa" the gizmo sparks, and the blonde woman in front brushes the sparks off her hair.

"Excuse me. Do you mind?" The women asks.

"Sorry. That was my little dish" I say.

"Can't you turn that thing off?" The women next to the Doctor asks.

"What was your name?" The Doctor asks.


"Christina, hold on tight. Everyone, hold on!" I shout, there is a sudden jolt and everyone is thrown around.

"Oh, the voices. The voices. They're screaming" windows break and sparks fly.

"What's going on?" a bright light floods the bus then more jolting, a short time later the bus has stopped. Golden light shines in. The Doctor and I go outside, followed by Christina.

"End of the line. Call it a hunch, but I think we've gone a little bit further than Brixton" I say orange sands stretch to the horizon. Christina gets a pair of sunglasses from her rucksack.

"Ready for every emergency" the Doctor sonics his and my spectacle lenses black and we both examine the sand grains.

"Us too" the Doctor says.

"And what's your names?"

"I'm the Doctor, this is the Seer."

"Name, not rank."

"The Doctor and the Seer."


"The Doctor and the Seer."

"You're called the Doctor and the Seer?"

"Yes, we are" I reply.

"That's not a name. That's a psychological condition, and the Seer isnt a proper name." Christina says.

"Funny sort of sand, this. There's a trace of something else" the Doctor picks up some sand and tastes it "Glah. Not good" he says spitting it out.

"Well, it wouldn't be. It's sand" Christina says.

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