The Next Doctor pt.2

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"Doctor! I thought you were dead!" Rosita says hugging the next Doctor.

"Now then, Rosita. A little decorum."

"You've been gone for so long. He's always doing this, leaving me behind. Going frantic" Rosita says to the Doctor and me.

"What about the TARDIS?"

"Oh, she's ready. Come on" Rosita starts pulling the next Doctor behind her.

"I'm looking forward to this" the Doctor says.

*Time skip*

A while later they arrive at the stables which have no horses inside. The stalls have been converted into the next Doctor's living space.

"You were right though, Rosita. The Reverend Fairchild's death was the work of the Cybermen."

"So, you live here?" I ask looking around.

"A temporary base, until we rout the enemy. The TARDIS is magnificent, but it's hardly a home."

"And where's the TARDIS now?" the Doctor asks.

"In the yard."

"Er, what's all this luggage?" I ask.

"Evidence. The property of Jackson Lake, the first man to be murdered. Oh, but my new friends are fighters, Rosita, much like myself. They faced the Cybermen with a cutlass. I'm not ashamed to say, they were braver than I. They were quite brilliant" the Doctor scans the luggage.

"Are you whistling again?"

"Yes. Yes, I am, yeah. Yeah" the Doctor mouths shush to Rosita as he puts the sonic screwdriver back in his pocket and I take a suitcase off the pile.

"That's another man's property" Rosita says.

"Well, a dead man's" I say as I open the suitcase.

"How did you two meet, then?" the Doctor asks.

"He saved my life. Late one night, by the Osterman's Wharf, this creature came out of the shadows. A man made of metal. I thought I was going to die. And then, there he was. The Doctor. Can you two help him? He has such terrible dreams. Wakes at night in such a state of terror" Rosita says.

"Come now, Rosita. With all the things, a Time Lord has seen, everything he's lost, he may surely have bad dreams."

"Yeah. Oh, now. Look. Jackson Lake had an infostamp" the Doctor says looking over my shoulder.

"But how? Is that significant?"
"Doctor, the answer to all this is in your TARDIS. Can I see it?" I ask.

"Mrs Smith, it would be my honour" they walk into the yard "there she is. My transport through time and space. The TARDIS."

"You've got a balloon" I say.

"TARDIS. T A R D I S. It stands for Tethered Aerial Release Developed In Style. Do you see?"

"Well, I do now. I like it. Good TARDIS. Brilliant. Nice one. And is it inflated by gas, yeah?" I ask.

"We're adjacent to the Mutton Street Gasworks. I pay them a modest fee. Good work, Jed" he slaps a strapping young man on the shoulder and hands him a big five-pound note.

"Glad to be of service, sir."

"You've got quite a bit of money" the Doctor says.

"Oh, you get nothing for nothing. How's that ripped panel, Jed?"

"All repaired. Should work a treat. You never know, maybe tonight's the night, Doctor. Imagine it, seeing Christmas from above."

"Not just yet, I think. One day, I will ascend. One day soon" Jed leaves.

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