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The TARDIS lands in Roald Dahl Plass.

"Cardiff" the Doctor says as we step out followed by Martha.

"Cardiff?" Martha asks.

"Ah, but the thing about Cardiff, it's built on a rift in time and space, just like California and the San Andreas Fault, but the rift bleeds energy. Every now and then we need to open up the engines, soak up the energy and use it as fuel" I say pointing to the TARDIS.

"So, it's a pit stop" Martha says.

"Exactly. Should only take twenty seconds. The rift's been active" the Doctor says. A man in a great coat is running across the plaza and towards the Doctor, Martha and I who had our backs to him.

"Wait a minute. They had an earthquake in Cardiff a couple of years ago. Was that you?" Martha asks.

"Bit of trouble with the Slitheen" I say, the man running towards them is Jack Harkness. He has a rucksack on his back.

"A long time ago. Lifetimes. I was a different man back then" the Doctor says.

"Doctor! Seer!

"Finito. All powered up" I say clapping as we all walk back into the TARDIS. The Doctor sees Jack on the scanner. He sets the time rotor moving. Jack leaps for the Tardis and something goes bang! on the console.

"Whoa! What's that?" Martha asks.

"We're accelerating into the future. The year one billion. Five billion. Five trillion. Fifty trillion? What? The year one hundred trillion? That's impossible" I say panic evident on my face.

"Why? What happens then?"

"We're going to the end of the universe.

"Well, we've landed" the Doctor says a few minutes later.

"So, what's out there?"

"I don't know."

"Say that again. That's rare."

"Not even the Time Lords came this far. We should leave. We should go. We should really, really go" I say grinning and running to the doors and flinging them. Martha spots someone lying on the ground near the TARDIS as the Doctor and I look around in awe.

"Oh my God! Can't get a pulse. Hold on. You've got that medical kit thing" Martha runs into the TARDIS.

"Hello again. Oh, I'm sorry" the Doctor says making a face. Martha returns with the medical kit.

"Here we go. Get out of the way. It's a bit odd, though. Not very hundred trillion. That coat's more like World War Two."

"I think he came with us" I say looking down.

"How do you mean, from Earth?"

"Must have been clinging to the outside of the TARDIS all the way through the vortex. Well, that's very him" I make a sound and shake my head.

"What, do you know him?"

"Friend of ours. Used to travel with us, back in the old days" the Doctor says.

"But he's. I'm sorry, there's no heartbeat. There's nothing. He's dead" Jack gasps and grabs Martha, who screams, the Doctor and I sigh "oh, so much for me. It's all right. Just breathe deep. I've got you."

"Captain Jack Harkness. And who are you?"

"Martha Jones."

"Nice to meet you, Martha Jones."

"Oh, don't start" I huff, Jack looks up at her and smiles.

"I was only saying hello."

"I don't mind" Martha replies as she helps Jack stand.

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