Gridlock pt.2

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"If you won't take us, we'll go down on our own" the Doctor says, as him and I move towards the door.

"What do you think you're doing?" Brannigan asks.

"Finding our own way. We usually do" I say as the Doctor sonics open a trapdoor in the floor of the car.

"Capsule open" a car stops directly beneath them.

"Here we go" I shrug off my coat and so does the Doctor who takes my coat and his and chucks it to Valerie.

"Look after those. We love those coats. Janis Joplin gave us those coats" the Doctor says.

"But you two can't jump."

"If it's any consolation, Valerie, right now, I'm saving those kittens" the Doctor says.

"This Martha. She must mean an awful lot to you two."

"Hardly know her. I was too busy showing off" the Doctor says.

"And I lied to her. Couldn't help it, just lied" I add running my hand over my face.

"Bye then" the Doctor grabs my hand and we both drop to the roof of the car below. The Doctor sonics open the roof hatch and drops in followed by me, we see a man with very pale skin, wearing a white suit.

"Capsule open."

"Who the hell are you two?" The man asks.

"Sorry, Motorway Foot Patrol. We're doing a survey. How are you enjoying your motorway?" I ask.

"Well, not very much. Junction Five's been closed for three years."

"Thank you. Your comments have been noted. Have a nice day!" The Doctor says opening the floor hatch and hangs there until the next car stops underneath him he drops to the roof of it followed by me.

"Capsule open" this one has two young Asian women in it. The Doctor and I pass straight through.

"Capsule open."

"Thank you for your cooperation. Your comments have been noted. Do you mind if we borrow these?" I pick up two small headscarfs, passes one to the Doctor and we both use it as a mask.

"Not my colour, but thank you very much" again the Doctor and I jump to the car below.

"Capsule open."

"Ooo! Don't mind us" I laugh awkwardly and jumps down after the Doctor.

"Capsule open" this happens for some time when finally, we are far enough down the Doctor slips into the car that we were on, I crouch on top looking for any sign of the car Martha was in.

"Couldn't we just cheat?" I hear the Doctor say.

"Well, I'd love to, but it's an automated system. The wheel would lock" I roll my eyes and jump in.

"Then excuse me" I say, the man and the Doctor look at me as I start to open the floor hatch.

"You can't jump. It's a thousand feet down" the man says.

"No, I just want to look" I say, that's when a growl can be heard as I open the hatch.

"What's that noise?" The Doctor asks, I shut the hatch and stand up.

"I try not to think about it" the man says.

"What are those lights? What's down there? We just need to see" I say as the Doctor sonics the car computer.

"There must be some sort of ventilation. If I could just transmit a pulse through this thing, maybe I could trip the system, give us a bit of a breeze."

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