The Water Of Mars

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The TARDIS materialises and the Doctor and I step out, wearing red spacesuits.

"The red planet" I say as the Doctor and I look over a crater rim and down onto the Base with its five outlying domes and shuttle pad connected to the central dome by modular walkways.

"Oh, beautiful" the Doctor says as something jabs him in the back.

"Rotate slowly" we do. It is a little robot "you are under arrest for trespassing. Gadget gadget.

*Time skip*

A women points a gun at the Doctor and me, we were now out of our spacesuits.

"State your names, ranks, and intentions."

"The Doctor, this is the Seer. Doctor, she doesn't have a rank" I look up at him with squinted eyes "and fun" a dark-skinned man runs in.

"What the hell? It's a man and women. A man and woman on Mars. How?"

"They were wearing these things. I have never seen anything like it."

"What did Mission Control say?"

"They're out of range for ten hours with the solar flares."

"If we could cut the chat, everyone."

"Actually, chat's second on our list, the first being gun pointed at our heads. Which then puts our heads second and chat third, I think. Gun, head, chat, yeah. I hate lists. But you could hurt someone with that thing. Just put it down" I say.

"Oh, you'd like that."

"Can you find me someone who wouldn't?"

"Why should I trust you two?"

"Because we give you our word. And forty million miles away from home, our word is all you've got."

"Keep Gadget covering them."

"Gadget gadget."

"Oh right, so you control that thing. Auto-glove response" the Doctor says.

"You got it. To the right."

"Gadget gadget."

"And to the left."

"It's a bit flimsy" I say.

"Gadget gadget."

"Does it have to keep saying that?" the Doctor asks.

"I think it's funny."

"I hate funny robots."

"Excuse me, boss. Computer log says we've got two extra people on site. How's that possible?"

"Keep the Biodome closed and when using open comms, you call me Captain."

"Yeah, but who is it?"

*Time skip*

"They can't be a World State flight, because we'd know about it. Therefore, they've got to be one of the independents, yeah? Was it the Branson inheritance lot? They've talked about a Mars shot for years."

"Right, yes, ok, you got us. So, I'm the Doctor this is the Seer, and you are?"

"Oh, come on. We're the first off-world colonists in history. Everyone on planet Earth knows who we are."

"You're the first? The very first humans on Mars? Then this is..."

"Bowie Base One" the Doctor, the women and I say.

"Number one. Founded July 1st, 2058. Established Bowie Base One in the Gusev Crater. You've been here how long?" I ask.

"Seventeen months."

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