The Doctor's Daughter pt.3

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"This war started seven days ago. Just a week. A week!" Donna says.

"They said years" Jenny says.

"No, they said generations. And if they're all like you, and they're products of those machines" Donna says.

"They could have twenty generations in a day. Each generation gets killed in the war, passes on the legend. Oh, Donna, you're a genius" the Doctor says.

"But all the buildings, the encampments. They're in ruins" Jenny says.

"No, they're not ruined. They're just empty. Waiting to be populated. Oh, they've mythologised their entire history. The Source must be part of that too. Come on" further along, we meet up with Martha.

"Doctor! Seer!" Marth says as she hugs the Doctor and me.

"Martha! Oh, we should have known you wouldn't stay away from the excitement" the Doctor says,


"Oh, you're filthy. What happened?"

"I, er, took the surface route."


"That's the General. We haven't got much time" I say.

"We don't even know what we're looking for" Donna says.

"Is it me, or can you smell flowers?" Martha asks.

"Maintain defensive positions."

"Yes. Bougainvillea. I say we follow our nose" I say as we all follow the smell of the flowers.

"Squads seven to ten, advance. With me."

*Time skip*

We walk into a room filled with plants.

"Oh, yes. Yes. Isn't this brilliant?" The Doctor says, they walk up to a glowing globe on a pedestal with wires running to it. There is a control panel and screen nearby.

"Is that the Source?" Donna asks.

"It's beautiful" Jenny says.

"What is it?" Martha asks.

"Terraforming. It's a third-generation terraforming device" I say.

"So why are we suddenly in Kew Gardens?" Donna asks.

"Because that's what it does. All this, only bigger. Much bigger. It's in a transit state. Producing all this must help keep it stable before they finally..." I get cut off as the Hath and the soldiers run in from opposite sides.

"Stop! Hold your fire!" The Doctor says.

"What is this, some kind of trap?" Cobb asks.

"You said you wanted this war over."

"I want this war won."

"You can't win. No one can. You don't even know why you're here. Your whole history, it's just Chinese whispers, getting more distorted the more it's passed on. This is the Source. This is what you're fighting over" the Doctor says.

"A device to rejuvenate a planet's ecosystem. It's nothing mystical. It's from a laboratory, not some creator. It's a bubble of gases. A cocktail of stuff for accelerated evolution. Methane, hydrogen, ammonia, amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids" I say.

"It's used to make barren planets habitable. Look around you. It's not for killing, it's bringing life. If you allow it, it can lift you out of these dark tunnels and into the bright, bright sunlight. No more fighting, no more killing" the Doctor takes the globe.

"I'm the Doctor, and I declare this war is over" he throws the globe onto the floor, where it smashes and releases gas and energy. Everyone watches it slowly rise up, then they start to put down their weapons. All except Cobb.

"What's happening?" Jenny asks walking up to me.

"The gases will escape and trigger the terraforming process" I say.

"What does that mean?"

"It means a new world" Jenny's eyes move to Cobb who had his gun pointed at me.

"No!" Jenny takes the bullet Cobb intended for me and falls backwards into me, I lay her on the ground.

"Jenny? Jenny. Talk to me, Jenny" I say, the Doctor kneels down next to us.

"Is she going to be all right?" Donna asks, Martha shakes her head.

"A new world. It's beautiful" Jenny says.

"Jenny, be strong now. You need to hold on, do you hear me? We've got things to do, you, me Seer, hey? Hey? We can go anywhere. Everywhere. You choose" the Doctor says.

"That sounds good" Jenny smiles weakly.

"You're our daughter, and we've only just got started. You're going to be great. You're going to be more than great. You're going to be amazing. You hear me? Jenny?" I ask, body shaking as Jenny dies in my arms, I look up at Donna, the Doctor and Martha "two hearts. Two hearts. She's like us. If we wait. If we just wait" the Doctor places his hand on my shoulder.

"There's no sign, Seer. There is no regeneration. She's like you, but maybe not enough" Martha says.

"No. Too much. That's the truth of it. She was too much like us" the Doctor says as I lay Jenny down and kiss her forehead, the Doctor goes over to Cobb. Cline and another soldier are holding his arms and making him kneel. The Doctor picks up the pistol and points it at Cobb's head for a very long time before putting the safety back on "I never would. Have you got that? I never would. When you start this new world, this world of Human and Hath, remember that. Make the foundation of this society a man who never would!"

*Time skip*

Jenny is lying in state when sunlight beings to stream through the stained-glass windows.

"It's happening. The terraforming" Martha says.

"Build a city, nice and safe underground, strip away the top soil and there it is. And what about Jenny?"

"Let us give her a proper ceremony. I think it'd help us. Please" the Doctor and I nod.

*Time skip*

"Jenny was the reason for the Tardis bringing us here. It just got here too soon, which then created Jenny in the first place. Paradox. An endless paradox. Time to go home?" The Doctor asks as, him, Donna, Martha and I stand in the TARDIS.

"Yeah. Home" Martha nods, the Doctor and I start flipping switches, a while later the TARDIS stops, Donna and Martha walk out.

"Are you alright?" The Doctor asks, I look up smiling.

"Yeah, of course" I reply, the Doctor looks at me "what?" he walks over to me and wraps his arms around me "I'm fine, I promise" I whisper hugging him back, we stand there for a while before walking out after Donna and Martha.

"Not me. Never. How could I ever go back to normal life after seeing all this? I'm going to travel with those two for ever" Donna says, the Doctor and I walk up to them.

"Good luck" Martha says.

"And you" Donna says as the Doctor and I walk on with Martha.

"We're making a habit of this" the Doctor says.

"Yeah. And you'd think it'd get easier. All those things you've been ready to die for. I thought for a moment there you'd finally found something worth living for" Martha says looking at us.

"Oh, there's always something worth living for, Martha" I say, Martha smiles and the three of us hug.

"Bye, Doctor. Bye, Seer."

"Goodbye. Doctor Jones" the Doctor says as him, Donna and I walk back to the TARDIS. Martha looks at her engagement ring then goes into her home.

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