The Beginning // Enchanted Forest - Part One

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Once upon a time there was a young, beautiful princess who was destined to be the Queen of her kingdom. At the age of 14, she knew nothing but the riches and fame of royalty. As others would say, she was a brat. 

The King and Queen did all they could to instill goodness into the girl, but she wanted nothing of it. Nothing was good enough for her. They wanted her to meet a prince, someone to love and to marry in order to grow their kingdom and secure her reign in more than one land. The princess fought her parents on this, claiming she was "too young" to even begin thinking about it. In the meantime, she would sneak out in the late hours of night going to taverns. She met all kinds of people: pirates, dwarves, thieves and a few magical beings. She would drink and gamble the kingdom's riches away, only to win them back with her charming and seductive personality. 

After a while, the King and Queen noticed changes in their daughter. They came to learn she was pregnant. Her parents, although disapproving of her actions, vowed to claim the baby as a member of court in order to keep it from becoming an outcast in the kingdom. As the months went on, the princess became sicker and sicker and soon was sentenced to her bedroom at the very highest point of their castle - a tower. 

"I don't want it," the princess stated. She was sent to bed until the baby came and was not happy.

"My dear," her mother said, sitting next to her on her bed, "the baby will come soon and you'll feel much better."

"I don't care about that. We can drop it in the woods for all I care."

"Sweetheart," the King said sternly, "you're not well."

"It's going to kill me, you really want to keep it after?!" She yelled. The King and Queen looked at each other, worried about their daughter. 

They left her tower, knowing they wouldn't let anything happen to her or her child. 

"What are we going to do?" The Queen asked in anguish. 

The King took a moment, knowing there was only one answer.

"I've heard whispers," he started, "whispers of a sorcerer that may be able to save her."

"No," she stopped him, "not the Dark One."

"Darling, I don't think we have any other choice. He can save her with magic."

"Dark magic!" She whispered.

"I'm willing to take that risk to save our precious Eva." 

So the King and Queen took a journey deep into the Enchanted Forest until they came upon a castle. Terrified, yet desperate, they ventured into the castle to come face to face with the infamous Dark One.

During their meeting, the Dark One gave them a magical flower. All they had to do was brew it into a tea and it would heal both Eva and her baby. 

"Thank you, sir," the King said. 

"There is a catch," he began, "the flower will give the child remarkable powers. You've heard of light and dark magic, correct? Because this magic is created, not born, its magic will have neutral qualities. It'll be a child strong enough to defeat any vessel of lightest or darkest magic."

"Really?" The Queen said, amazed at the power the small yellow flower held.

"We appreciate this, Dark One," the King nodded and turned to leave. 

"Not so fast!" The Dark One said, stopping them in their tracks. "The Dark One doesn't just...give out of the goodness of his heart. You owe me something in return." 

They shared a look. "Of course," the King answered, "whatever you want." 

The Dark One circled them, creating a space of anxiety for the King and Queen. 

"Let me choose the suitor for your daughter," he finally said. 

"Why?" The King asked. 

"We want our daughter to marry for love," the Queen said. 

The Dark One got close to the Queen's ear and whispered, "Who is going to love your daughter?" 

"Watch it, imp!" The King exclaimed, pulling his sword, but the Dark One began strangling him telekinetically.

"We'll do whatever you want!" The Queen yelled immediately. The Dark One let go and smirked. 

"You're lucky I'm feeling merciful today." 

"You can choose our daughter's suitor," the King said, holding his neck. 

"Lucky me," he said and turned around. "Now, get out of my castle and go save your daughter." 

So the King and Queen raced back to their kingdom, created the tea and gave it to Princess Eva. As she drank, she grew healthier and the baby grew stronger. Both the King and Queen decided it was best not to tell Eva of the power her baby would hold, though she would find out soon enough. 

When the baby was born, the tower became filled with a bright yellow light, the room shook and the baby came out with a glow around her. 

The Queen was overjoyed with her grandchild. The teenage princess was not. 

"Sweetheart," the Queen said, holding the baby close, "what would you like to name your baby girl?" 

"I don't care." She said and turned away from her mother and baby. 

The Queen walked away with the baby in her hands. 

"You will be loved, my darling," she promised the girl. "You will be named after the flower that saved yours and your mother's life: Rapunzel."

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