Part 37

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Chapter 37

After night had fallen on the Isle and the clock in her bedroom struck midnight Camilla slipped from her bed fully dressed and crept down the halls to do the craziest heist she's ever attempted – stealing from her own mother. She still couldn't believe Harry had broken in to ruin her mother's furs and a part of her chest hurt at such a betrayal but she found she was unable to be angry at him, insetad she felt more like crying though she used all her will power to hold that feeling at bay and get the job at hand done. Even though Harry may have been the culprit she knew how much his father's hook meant to him and she couldn't let her mother use it against him.

Camilla walked across the floorboards like she was playing hopscotch, years of living in Hell Hall had taught her which boards creaked and which one's held up under her weight. When she reached the large French doors that led to her mother's room she halted and took a deep breath. She knew her mother should be asleep by now but that guaranteed nothing. Carefully she twisted the doorknob so slow that the lock didn't even click as it was moved. Opening the door just a bit she peeked inside and to her great relief saw her mother fast asleep.

Cruella's room was painted a bright blood red with waxed black floors. Across from the door was a large circular bed with black and white pillows that sat atop the white comforter. Above the sleeping villainess was a canopy with a Dalmatian print with a black end table on each side of the bed. Back in its day the room would have been the height of luxury but now the canopy had several rips, the white comforter was so dirty it was almost grey, the floors weren't as shiny as the wax once made them and the blood red walls had been chipping for years. Still under the covers her mother slept on getting her beauty sleep, her black and white hair in curlers and a shaggy black fur robe over her nightgown. On the bedside table close to the queen of fashion laid Harry's hook.  Camilla let out a huff, wishing it was closer to the door but at the same time knew her mother wouldn't have left it far from her grasp. Keeping her fingers crossed she continued to creep along the old floor being as quiet as possible. Just as she was within arm's length of the hook and was reaching out for it her mother suddenly moved. She started grumbling to herself as she turned under the covers and Camilla froze hoping she wouldn't wake up.

"Get those puppies." Cruella muttered under her breath before her body settled and her breathing became steady telling Camilla her mother had drifted back into her dreams. Leaving as cautiously as she'd entered Camilla got away with her loot and left Hell Hall and headed for Goblin Wharf.

It took longer getting to the docks than it usually did, after all the Isle was dangerous at night, more so than it was during the day. Camilla had to keep looking over her shoulder and when she suspected someone was following her she'd make sure to double back and take extra twists and turns just to throw them off. When she finally reached the Lost Revenge it was close to one in the morning, she wasn't even sure Harry would be there at such a late hour but she figured it was her best bet.

"Hey Camilla!" came a friendly call as she boarded the ship and not long after Gil jumped down from the rigging and engulfed her in a hug.

"Long time Gil." She said with the sincerest smile she'd had in a while. She noticed Gil's style had changed while she'd been away, he'd traded his orange vest and dark blue pants for a brown jacket with shorter sleeves and pants that were stitched with patches of black and brown camo. He'd kept one of his yellow gloves and replaced the other with a black one with studs and several fingers missing. His hair was still covered by a bandana but he'd let his hair hang loose underneath letting the blonde ends brush along his shoulders, the same thick brown leather belt rested across his chest and Camilla was glad to see that even with the outfit change his goofy carefree smile had stayed the same.

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