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¿Chapter 11?

9:45am October 11th, 2014

      Melania was making breakfast while Enrique sat at the island sipping beer and typing away at his phone. It made her wonder, was his ass hungry at all? He didn't even flare his nose at the smell. Nobody could deny the smell of bacon. Vegans excluded.

"You know what?" Melania started, "I realise you don't eat anything from me."
"Why should I?" He looked up at her with a raised eyebrow.
"You're living here, so you should at least eat something. What do you eat? The tin can of your Canada Dry??"

"I do eat. From you? No."
Now Melania got offended, her cooking was not bad. She was cooking since she was as little as nine. "Why not? You think I'd slip some rat poison in your food?"
"I was waiting for you to say that. For that same reason, yes."

"So you don't trust me?" She pulled a seat and sat across from him.
"Why should I trust you then?"
"Because.." He chuckled, "Your life depends on it."
"So you don't trust me enough to eat what I cook?"

"So you don't trust me enough to sleep with your bedroom door open?"
"A- you said that was my personal space, B- I always slept with the door closed way before you appeared and C- The curtain swaying and the shadows outside scares the shit outta me. I rest my case."

"Okay then. We should build a bond of trust. Mutual trust."
"Fine then."
"Ain't your bacon burning?"
"I like it crispy, thank you very much."
"Save that attitude for changing bedsheets."
"If I change them or not I still get paid."

He scoffed while turning his attention back to his phone then to the plate of steaming food  sitting before him.
"Full English." She said while placing a glass of orange juice next to the plate.

"Hm.." He poured the rest of his canned beer into the juice.  "Anytime now?" She said, waiting for him to taste it.
He looked up at her suspiciously, she rolled her eyes and snatched up the fork. "For cryin' out loud.." She picked up pieces of bacon and eggs along with some baked beans and shoveled it into her mouth. Then she took a sip of the beer-mixed orange juice.

"Anything happen?"
He didn't answer her but took away the fork and ate. Now she waited for him to say some shit. Why he so suss? I know he a criminal and all but I won't kill him. That never crossed my mind once.

"Not bad." He said after downing the juice.
"So will you continue to eat from me now?"
He shrugged, "Depends on what."
"Okay, I will teach myself to make Spanish foods then. What you like?"
"Surprise me."


     Melania stood in the shower finger combing her compacted coils when the thought came to her.
If the police catches him, you know your ass going to prison right?
Which is true, she couldn't deny that but it isn't her fault– scratch that– it is. Well, so he said.

Nunca confíes en un alma

What did that mean again? Oh yes, 'Never Trust A Soul.'
Should she trust him though? He is a criminal after all.
He only scolds her when she tries to protest.
Also, he stopped himself from giving in and that means he has some good in him right?

She turned off the shower, "Relax Melania, just go read some Wattpad and go to sleep."
She wrapped her body in a milky mint green towel and sprayed some body mist.

She left the bathroom feeling completely refreshed, as she entered the living room she saw Enrique watching the nightly news. She had to admit, she has never seen any man so caught up in the news. She thought all they watched was the sports channel, Netflix and Adult Swim.

She felt his eyes on her but refused to look at him.  "You better not close that door." He said.
She sighed as she released the door knob to face his scrutinizing gaze.
"I have to change."
"So I have to close the door."

"And you said so sleep with the door open not change with the door open."
"I changed my mind; keep it open regardless."
"... Fine." She pulled the curtain.

If it means trust then..

So be it.

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