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Amelie crossed her leg over her knee and looked around at the people who entered the Sky Sports hospitality. It was Friday, meaning a new race weekend was starting. They were in Baku, and if Amelie was honest with herself, this was one of the exciting races. She adored street races.

"Alright, people," Bruno called stood in front of the people. It became silence in the room. "Thank you very much for your presence and your time on this Friday morning. We are walking through the schedule for this weekend. We have to do it today, due to the circumstances of yesterday. Yesterday, Media Day, was a pretty good start of the weekend..."

The first few minutes were about the schedule and program of the camera crews and that kind of people. Amelie stared in front of her, making her own planning of the day; she had to work on the assignment for school on her internship. It was the question if she had the time to work on it. Juniper sat next to her, making notes.


Her eyes shot to Bruno when her name got mentioned, or the name people gave her. Did I do something wrong? She looked around, biting on the inside of her lip, while her heart started to beat faster.

"Amelia, you are the first highlight we are discussing this week," Bruno smiled when he looked into the audience to look at Amelie. "Last race weekend you suddenly had to replace Juniper on a few interviews, among which your first live interview where you didn't have time to prepare for. You stood in front of the camera, not knowing what to expect and no experience, but you nailed that interview. Not only we think you had a great interview with Lando Norris, but our audience was really positive as well. And to top it all off, your interview is the most streamed interview of the season so far with 190.000 views on YouTube only. Congratulations!"

Her colleagues looked around to find a girl named Amelia. Juniper smiled widely and looked proudly at Amelie. "Great job, Mil. You deserve this," she told Amelie who almost couldn't believe what she just heard. "That's my intern, people!" Juniper proudly said to everyone who were standing in the room.

Amelie blinked a few times and processed the words she just heard; I have already the most-watched interview of the season on my name. Holy cow. A polite smile curved on her lips by the compliments she got, but...she was a person who didn't know how to handle compliments well and has the most awkward responses. So, happy birthday? "Thank you," she finally said and gave Bruno a nod.

The rest of the thirty minutes of the meeting was about the planned schedule. Amelie's name wasn't much on the planning, mostly doing background work - what she didn't mind. She loved the idea of interviewing, but hated the idea of standing in the spotlight. There wasn't much to do for Amelie today, so Juniper gave her time off to work on her school assignment. Amelie sat in front of the hospitality of Sky Sports with a cup of tea and her laptop.

She watched how teams arrived for the first free practice and made themselves ready, she observed how the media came to life, she saw some drivers walking around. Working on her assignment wasn't working anymore, just looking at the paddock what came alive on Friday morning was entertaining enough.

Amelie's eyes found Lando, who was walking in the distance. A smile grew on Lando's lips when he saw Amelie looking at him. He waved at her. Amelie smiled and waved back as well, that's sweet. Other drivers were walking behind Lando, so they looked in Amelie's direction as well. She suddenly began to feel uncomfortable. Carlos waved as well, so she waved back. He waved at me, right? Amelie quickly looked around her, there was no one. George waved at Amelie, so did Max and Nico. They saw Lando and Carlos waving, so they did it as well because why not? Amelie waved back but really felt uncomfortable. Why would they wave at Amelie? She squeezed her eyebrows together and looked back at her laptop screen, that was odd.

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