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The morning started peacefully; Amelie and Lando were still asleep, the sun was shining, the birds were happily chirping, it was a good morning. What seemed like a beautiful morning, quickly collapsed into a sad morning; it started to rain, and one of the neighbours in the flat building was drilling into the wall. And it wasn't just one short drill to hang up a painting or something else, it was a fifteen-minute long drill that made you wonder what they could hang up on a wall. One hundred paintings?

Amelie annoyedly sighed when she got woken up by the drilling. Her eyes opened, and she looked around; the room was slightly lightened up. She looked at Lando next to her, who was still asleep. A sleepy smile curved on her lips and she rolled over to her side while pressing the covers to her chest to cover it up.

It didn't take long for Lando to wake up as well. "Fucking drills," he mumbled under his breath and opened his eyes. A yawn escaped his mouth, and he looked at Amelie. "Hey," he whispered while smiling.

"Hey," she said back.

"Slept well?" He was at her "Besides the drills," he muttered.

"All fine. You?"

"Good," he smiled and stroked a piece of hair behind Amelie's ear. The neighbours started to drill into the wall again. "Good morning," Lando sarcastically said.

"I believe they are just drilling random holes in the wall because I don't know what is taking this long, But fine, it's late in the morning, they're allowed to."

"Bull crap." His annoyance changed to happiness when he wrapped his arm around Amelie and pulled her closer so they could cuddle. He gave her a kiss. "You know, Mils, you are my girlfriend."

She softly smirked. "I'm your girlfriend."

"You're my girlfriend," he widely smiled. "And I'm your boyfriend."

"You are my boyfriend."

"We basically already were acting like girlfriend-boyfriend. But now we are officially girlfriend and boyfriend it feels special, like there is added some spice." It was just the small talk about nothing they were having.

"I don't know if I want that anymore," Amelie sarcastically, but dramatically replied.

Lando laughed. "Oh, fuck you," he chuckled, but it stopped. "Oh, wait, I already did that last night," he said in a serious tone and curled the corners of his mouth up.

Their eyes locked, and a smile was playing on Amelie's lips. "Touche," she whispered. She kissed him.

This morning was what they both longed for; easy morning, no eyes on the time to leave for work, cuddles, giggles, conversations about nothing. They were just enjoying their morning in bed. But it sadly got interrupted by a caller.

"Who do I need to smack this time?" Lando sat up and grabbed his phone. "It's you."

Amelie nodded and held up her phone. "It's Juniper."

"Are you gonna pick up? I mean, you're not working." He laid down again and placed his head on Amelie's shoulder, wrapping his arm around her stomach.

"Yeah, she's calling me from her private phone to my private phone, so I guess it's something personal," she answered his question and accepted the call. "Hey, June," she said when she was holding her phone by her ear.

"Hey, Mil! Am I not disturbing you?" Juniper asked, she sounded excited.

"No, no, not at all," Amelie said as she meant it, while it wasn't the truth.

"Yes," Lando said in an annoyed tone and pressed a kiss on Amelie's jaw, he could hear Juniper talk.

Juniper was silent for a moment when she heard that 'yes' from some else. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, it's fine," Amelie reassured Juniper.

"If you say so," Juniper softly said. "Anyway, I saw you passed all your finals! Congratulations!"

A smile curved on Amelie's lips. "Thank you so much, it was a whole delivery. I don't know what it feels like, but it was intense."

"I can imagine, I remember the stress like it was yesterday. And your Spanish exams?"

"All good, really positive results - luckily. We are living in an international world, I got my ways to practice my Spanish." Aka Carlos, one of the men I am not allowed to talk to.

Juniper laughed. "Yes, we are. I would like to celebrate it. Are you free on Monday, to lunch? Just as friends, not work-related."

"My graduation is on Monday, but Tuesday is fine for me. Does it work with your agenda then? And the preps?" Sometimes, it was unfortunate Amelie knew how it worked as a reporter. She looked at Lando, who was just staring at a random point in the room.

"Tuesday is fine for me. I know a good place, I will send you the details later," Juniper eagerly said. "But...er...I assume you haven't checked your mail? How's your time off, by the way?"

"Not gonna lie, I don't wanna go back. I have no duties, no early mornings, get to spend time with friends and family who I have not seen in a while. So I have no idea what's going on in the motorsports world." Amelie knew things about McLaren, but she couldn't share that.

"Hmm-hmm, yeah, I understand. I'm glad you're enjoying your time off." Juniper was somehow waiting for the right moment to say something. "Anyway, I have great news for you, I think you will love it, actually. So there's an email in your mailbox from McLaren and the head of Sky Sports, and they're exempting the contact ban between you and McLaren, Lando."

Amelie's eyes shot to Lando, who also looked at her. "What the fuck," she whispered to him. They both began to smile and cheer silently.

"So that means you won't have to distance from them anymore and you can have interviews again," Juniper continued. "Are you gonna tell Lando the good news?"

"Uh, what?" Amelie tried to sound confused, but it didn't really work since she sounded way too happy.

"I know you still are seeing each other, I can see the looks you're sending each other on the track, and how Jon and more people from his team tries to interact with you secretly," Juniper smirked. Amelie and Lando both began to laugh, it was still that obvious. "I didn't tell anyone, don't worry."

"Thanks," Amelie softly chuckled. "I will read the email after my vacation. But thanks, I will share the positive news with Lando. Please, keep it secret, alright? I don't need a new contact ban, and not now a ban from every track."

"Of course, not. I have never seen you two together, not sending looks to each other and not making it obvious," Juniper chuckled. "But I have to go now, I will see you Tuesday."

"Never have seen that man before in my life," Amelie played along with it. Juniper laughed. "See you Tuesday, thanks for calling, June. Cheers."


Amelie tossed the phone away, and she looked at Lando. They both burst into laughter and had the same laugh. Lando rolled on top of her, and their laughs filled the room - it was a happy and relieved laugh, but also an embarrassing laugh; the contact ban was over, but apparently they weren't that sneaky on secretly looking for contact around the track.

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