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The first few days in Canada, Montréal was brilliant to Amelie. It was her first time ever in the continent America. The first day was a short explore trip through the streets of Montréal with the crew of Sky, after that the first briefing of the weekend was held. Wednesday was all about the preparations for the upcoming days; a long day at the meeting room. The Thursday morning was all about the media around the track.

Amelie seemed to forget the situation back at home. At the beginning of this week, the crew noticed Amelie was acting off, but they thought it was the jet lag. But after a few hours, Amelie started to change into her self. She could crack a joke, laugh and just be herself again.

Just after the lunch break, Amelie was walking around the paddock, on her way to the McLaren hospitality because she was asked to. Her eyes were scanning the area; although every paddock had the same layout at every race, every paddock was different. It was a maze to Amelie. When her eyes found Carlos' eyes, Carlos made a weird face. Amelie giggled and gave him a slightly weird look, but not too weird. Carlos laughed and winked, he liked Amelie, she was different from the other reporters. Amelie felt more like a good friend, to make fun with, and you forgot she was actually a reporter. Not only Carlos was thinking about that, but more drivers also had that feeling too. And then you had Lando Norris; he already removed the reporter part from Amelie's status, what got replaced by a good friend only.

"Hey," Amelie greeted when she entered the McLaren hospitality. It was still a question mark why she had to be here. "I'm here for the meeting with-"

"Oh, Amelie, yes, the meeting," the woman cut Amelie off and smiled. "Follow me," she said. Amelie followed her. "They are already in the room."

Amelie was slightly confused and perhaps a bit offended by the woman who interrupted her. How come everybody knew her name? She decided to keep it with a small smile on her face and followed the woman to the meeting room. It was surprisingly big inside the hospitality. "Thank you," Amelie politely said when they arrived at the room.

"You're welcome," the woman said. "You can grab something to eat or drink at the kitchen next to this room."

Amelie nodded and entered the room. She didn't know what to expect, but the room was filled with people from both McLaren and Sky Sports F1. This is not an interview. She plastered a smile on her face. "Good afternoon."

"Good afternoon, Amelia. Please, have a seat," Peter, the head of Human Resources of Sky, said and pointed at the free seat.

She took a seat, this room was filled with the important people from both companies: Human Resources, Public Relations, the bosses, the management, Lando, Juniper on Amelie's side, Charlotte on Lando's side. Amelie's eyes found Lando's, who looked confused as well about the situation. The people of McLaren were confused about the name. Amelia?

What is this about?

"Thank you, everyone, for your time and ability to be here," Peter began, he was probably leading this meeting about whatever this was. "As you can see, this is a new setting for all of us."

Lando and Amelie kept looking at each other with straight faces, they had no idea about what is this was. They both suddenly got asked to be here. Amelie broke the eye contact and looked at Peter.

"We don't have a lot of time available, so I am gonna say right away why we are here. In the last couple of days, pictures have shown up on social media," Peter continued. "Normally, we would let it go and continue with our lives, but the pictures weren't exactly where we wished for."

Some pictured appeared on the tv what was hanging on the wall. It was pictures of Lando and Amelie together at the airport and in Monaco, at the restaurant with his friends. Some nasty wanker leaked the photos, a-ma-zing, Amelie thought. You could see the pictures were in their private time, so some fan had made this. Amelie looked away and tightened her jaw. Lando bit on the inside of his cheek and felt his heartbeat rise. This wasn't good. Both of the teenagers hadn't seen the pictures yet, they didn't even know those pictures were spreading around social media.

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