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"So school was horrible?" Kevin asked when he sat down on the sofa in Mabel's living room.

"It was awful," Mabel replied dramatically. "I mean, that woman literally talked for four hours straight about things I already knew."

Amelie sighed and laid down on the couch. "She was working on my nerves. Amelie this, Amelie that, Amelie listen. Like mate, I have sorted this out, and I know how it works. I am terribly sorry I am still at your stupid information day after two hours of sleep on my bloody day off."

Kevin snorted. "The aggressive Amelie is rising."

"I will not miss her at all," she emotionlessly replied.

Mabel giggled. "But for real, what was she trying to achieve? Waste of my day. Didn't mind not being at the office, but I could have done other things."

"Didn't particularly wait to see all those faces today."

Kevin looked impressed at Mabel en then Amelie. "I am so glad I don't have to school anymore. But just a few more weeks and it is over, keep pushing," he gave them the positive spirit.

Mabel sat down next to her boyfriend, making herself comfortable by crawling against him. "I know, it's just... I want it to be finished." She looked at him. "Last week at the company, then the finals and then free to go."

"Be glad this is your last week," Amelie blurted. "I like my internship, but I am just too tired to continue it, and study, and have a social life."

"For how long do you have to stay then? You already have made more than enough hours."

Amelie looked up at Mabel. "Till France, but I wouldn't be surprised if they want me till Hungary." She watched how Mabel got curled up against Kevin, it looked adorable. They were a happy couple, something she grated them so much. "Look at you, how cute," she smiled.

Kevin and Mabel looked at each other and giggled. Amelie was the only person who stood with them since the beginning of their relationship, and also the only person they felt comfortable with when it came to hugging and just being a couple. At other friends, Mabel and Kevin were just a couple, but acted more like friends. Around Amelie, they were a couple and acted like a couple. And Amelie didn't mind, well, sometimes she got jealous, but she could switch that mode off.

"Well, Mil, tell me, do you have a boyfriend or someone you fancy?" Kevin returned the question.

Mabel heavily nodded. "She has a date Friday."

Amelie looked deadly at Mabel. "Mate, where are you talking about? I don't have a date."

"You're lying, my dude. I was there when Lando asked you it."

Kevin's eyes grew. "Lando as in Lando Norris?"

"Yup, the one and only Lando Norris. They spend awfully a lot of time together," she continued and looked at Amelie who was blushing now. "It's a date."

"Fuck off, Mabel. It isn't a date, we both know that. We just hang out, like friends do," Amelie said to defend herself.

Mabel smirked. "Try to convince me."

"So you and Lando?" Kevin grinned. "Adorable."

Amelie sighed and shook her head. "Hopeless, you guys are hopeless. It is not a date, alright?"

"Cute how you try to convince yourself on saying it isn't a date, while it is. You just 'hang out' or whatever you call it, but this is the other term of a date," Mabel said teasingly.

Kevin smirked. "We have reached stage two: denial."

A sigh rolled over Amelie's lips, and she let her head fall on the pillow behind her. Her eyes closed, and she yawned. Lando and Amelie were just friends, nothing more..? At least, that was what they both were trying to convince each other. They liked each other and had the same interests, but this wasn't what you could call romance. "Are there special flavours today at the store?"

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