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Amelie unzipped the coat and took the McLaren coat. "This thing is soaked with water and sweat, I am sorry," she apologised and kicked off her shoes.

"No worries," Lando smirked when closing the door. "You're such a legend," he said and looked at the groceries. "I will transfer the money in a sec."

"Don't worry about that," she smiled and followed him to the living room. "You know, the coat, very nice. But when running for the tube... I feel like the environment in that jacket changed from rainy Britain to Thailand mid-summer."

He snorted and began to laugh. "Have you ever been to Thailand?"

"No, but I imagine it to be hot and sweaty during the rain season," she smirked and placed her bag on the dining table. She grabbed her laptop, phone and agenda. "How was it at the factory with all the cool stuff?"

"Very cool," he widely smiled and raised his eyebrows, showing a cheeky look. "It was fine, working on the data and stuff. Just the usual, preps for Monaco next week, sim work." Lando shrugged and walked to the kitchen with the groceries. "And how was your day?"

"Long," she sighed and nodded. "It was alright but long. It was just one of those days that feels like the time goes twice as slow, but I have written some articles and stuff. It was difficult because of my charger."

"Yeah, that is difficult."

Amelie's eyes fell on her phone what lightened up when Nathaniel called her. A small frown captured her face; why was he calling? She excused herself and walked over to the hall where she answered the call. "Hello?"

"Hey, Amelie! It's Nathaniel," a cheerful voice said through the phone. "How are you? How are things going with school?"

She was confused about the call and questions from Nathaniel. "I'm fine, thanks for asking. Just wrapping up the last things at Sky, before I leave. How are you doing?" Amelie wanted to be more excited, but something was holding her back.

"I'm good, thank you," Nathaniel replied. "I'm still very sorry for the internship. Have you tried to talk to them and persuade them?"

"Yup, I tried everything, but they just won't let me keep it. They need my presence at school, according to the Secretary of State for Education," she said and walked around in the hallway.

"Hmm-hmm. And your results at school? How was that Spanish exam?"

The question mark grew, what did he need from her? "Yeah, erm," she said and ran her hand through her hair. "I passed it, luckily. 70 points out of 100." It was silence from Amelie's side. "I don't want to be rude, but why did you call me?"

"That is great to hear, Mil," Nathaniel happily said. "I was just checking in, I wanted to know how things went at school and Sky."

Amelie bit on the inside of her cheek and looked at the floor. She let out a sigh. "Yeah," she mumbled and closed her eyes. It became silence at both of the sides. Gosh, this is awkward. "I...erm...I have to go, dinner is ready. Is it alright we will catch up later?" It wasn't a lie, but dinner wasn't ready yet.

"Yeah, sure. Enjoy your meal."

"Thanks. Have a wonderful evening," she smiled and walked back to the living room.

"Thank you, you too, Amelie. Bye."

"Okay, bye," Amelie softly said and ended the call. She placed her phone on the table and looked at Lando, who was still working on dinner.

He looked at her, he was curious, but it was private. But he saw a hurt and disorientated expression on her face. "Everything alright?"

She nodded and made a bun in her hair. "Yeah, my brother called," she said and walked to the kitchen to wash her hands. "Which is strange, he never calls, but fine. How are things going here?" Amelie smiled and looked around.

"Erm, yeah, good! Just finishing the last things," Lando replied and nodded.

"Good. What is on the menu?" She looked around. He raised his eyebrow. "What? You got me a list of some vegetables, but that's all I got."

"Masterchef Amelie," he snorted and put both of his hands on hips. He took a deep breath. "I am making chicken with a lot of veggies and rice."

"And it didn't burn yet?"

"No, Gordon Ramsey, it is not burned," he shot back and smirked. "At least, not yet," he softly added.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm just asking, kitchen princess."

A few minutes after that, dinner was finished. It was a pretty good, healthy meal and to Amelie's surprise, it was good. Lando said it was just lucky today, for the excellent meal, but he had to admit he did his best to create this meal. After dinner, Amelie was catching up some work for school and prepared an assignment for the next day, and Lando was gaming. Amelie was waiting for the moment she had to leave for the departure of the tube towards her home.

"Lando," Amelie said and walked to him with her laptop in her hand. "Can you help me for a sec?"

"Hmm, give me a few minutes," he mumbled absent and focussed on his video game.

Amelie nodded and sat down on the ground, next to Lando and his desk. Her eyes fell on the computer screen, it was a game she didn't even understand a bit from it. Her eyebrows raised, and she listened to him, talking to himself. Once his game was over, he put down his controller and turned to Amelie.

"How can I help you?" Lando asked.

"That was...impressive?" She opened her laptop and looked at the document. "Anyway, I am leaving in thirty minutes. And can you look at this? Just read it and tell me what you think."

He nodded. "Sure. What is it for?" He grabbed her laptop and looked at the text.

"English," she yawned. "And thanks for tonight, again." Her eyes found his, and she smiled.

"No worries, Amelie. It was fun," he smiled and let his eyes glide over the text. "It's a good article, nothing to complain about. It's a good news article. Is it for a grade?" Lando gave her laptop back.

"Yeah, kind of. It's a summary of a news article. Bloody stupid," Amelie muttered and closed her laptop. "Thanks for reading it."

"I'm not an expert on it, don't come to me for grammar checkings or whatever you want me to do for English, but no problem."

She shook her head. "It's just a good thing for a second opinion because I don't see mistakes or weird things anymore. It's a pain in the arse, but I'm almost finished with school. What are you playing?"

They looked at the screen. "Call of Duty." He scanned the screen. "I would say that you could try it, but this is a little bit too advanced for you."

"Oh, please," Amelie dramatically said. "Why do you think I can't play CoD?"

Lando looked impressed at her. "Do you know how this works?"

They kept looking at each other, and Lando's smile grew, he had hoped she knew how to play CoD. Amelie's face changed into a cheeky smile, and she wheezed. "Oh, no. I have no idea, I'm sorry. But I can learn how to play it?" She looked innocently at him.

"Oh, come on, Amelie!" Lando turned away from her on his chair. "I genuinely thought you knew how this worked. You said CoD...this is why I got trust issues," he sarcastically said.

"I wish I knew, mate. But I have a best friend, whose brother is addicted to CoD, so I know what it is." She laughed.

He looked back at her. "Alright, masterclass CoD with Lando Norris. First off, get a chair, then we will continue on the rest."

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