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It was Thursday, meaning Lando had to face a lot of people and media. He was anxious about it, especially after his conversation with Amelie two nights ago. It made him feel better, also because he could talk to Amelie about it. They wrote some things down, and Amelie turned it into an article; Lando wanted to speak up about it and let people know they weren't alone.

Lando was entering the track with Jon and his family. Amelie would arrive later since she had to travel from Windsor, at least, that was the plan. But when Lando was walking towards the McLaren hospitality, his eyes fell on Amelie who was sitting on a bench while eating a sandwich and reading a book. It made Lando smirk, that was his girlfriend. He walked towards her, which made his family follow him as well.

"Oh, you're here!" Amelie excitedly said when Lando stood in front of her. She noticed a few people looked at her because of her excitement. She pressed a shy smile on her face and closed her book.

"You're early," Lando surprisingly replied.

She was putting her book in her bag and the sandwich in its bag. "Yeah, Maxime dropped me off and trust me, she's like the Lewis Hamilton on the road." She gave him a kiss. "How are you?"

"I'm fine," he whispered and gave her two small kisses. "You look beautiful." Lando was scanning her body; she was wearing a skinny jeans and a white shirt, tucked in the top of the jeans. And to top it off, she was wearing two golden necklaces.

"Thank you. You look handsome as well." Amelie's eyes fell on Lando's family and Sacha. She greeted them with a hug, his family was happy to see her and visa versa. Her eyes fell on Jon.

"Shall we hug too?" He asked.

"Because you ask it nicely," Amelie sarcastically smiled and gave him a short hug.

"Always kind on the early morning," he sarcastically answered.

The group of people made way towards the hospitalities. Lando and Amelie were walking next to each other, forgetting all the rules and just be a couple. To their surprises, nobody caught them together. They weren't holding hands or being sticky, but people knew Amelie, and the connection could be made quickly. Lando was being separated from his family for the first interview. Amelie, Flo and Cisca were exploring the area; just walking around and discovering the area.

"How did your hockey match go?" Amelie asked Cisca. Cisca looked at her. "You had a match last weekend, right?"

"Yes, I did!" Cisca enthusiastically said. "We won! 3 to 2. It was a tough one, the last game of the season, but luckily we won. And I made the winning goal, the one we practised."

A proud and happy smile covered Amelie's lips. "You did not?! Well done, Cis!" Amelie raised her hand, and Cisca gave her a high-five. "Told you that you would own it."

"You should have seen her," Flo added. "Showing all those people her talent."

Amelie looked at the two sisters; it adored her to see them hyping up each other - that was a part of their relationship. She ran her hand through her hair, and they walked towards a seating area.

"Ah, stop it. It wasn't that special, just luck," Cisca replied like it wasn't a big deal.

"Shut up."

They sat down at the couch in the sitting area, having the perfect view on the paddock. Watching people was a thing they did; seeing all the drivers, crew members, famous people.

"What about you, Flo?" Amelie asked after bickering between Flo and Cisca. "Your competition? Lando told me about horse riding and the competition."

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