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Just when Amelie was finished with changing the bedding and left the bedroom, Lando entered his bedroom and closed the door behind him. Amelie stopped walking and looked at the closed door, something was really off. She wanted to ask what was wrong, but he closed the door behind him, letting Amelie know he wanted to be alone. And if that was what Lando wanted, then Amelie respected that. She took a deep breath and had a quick peek in the laundry room before walking to the living room.

"Sash, do you have dirty laundry?" Amelie asked.

A shock went to Sacha's body when he heard someone talk to him, and he turned around. "Jesus Christ, Amelie, you scared the bejeezus out me," he breathed. "Hey, I didn't know you were here," he faked a smile.

"I'm sorry," she softly chuckled. "But laundry?" Amelie walked to the kitchen and collected the hand towel and the dishcloths.

"You don't have to do that," he said and got up. "It's our household."

"It's a small effort. And you're both mega busy, so if I can help you..."

Sacha smiled. "Thank you very much, but you don't have to do it," he said.

"I insist."

"Fine. But I will put it in the washing machine myself."

"Yes, you will," she smirked and walked back to the laundry room. She opened the washing machine and put the wet duvet cover into the dryer. The washing machine made place for the white coloured laundry. Amelie waited for Sacha. "What is on for dinner tonight?"

Sacha put his stuff in the machine and closed the door. "Brussels sprouts, potatoes and chicken," he answered and saw the disgusting look on Amelie's face. "But there's also pasta pesto, and frozen spinach, tomatoes and pine nuts."

"Sounds better," she relievedly said and put on the washing machine after adding some laundry detergent and softener. "I'm not a difficult eater, but I don't like Brussels sprouts. And I have eaten them this weekend, that's enough for the whole year." Amelie put on the dryer and walked to the living room with some dry laundry of Lando what was ready to be folded.

"But I will make it," Sacha said and sat down behind his computer again. "It was Lando's turn, but I'm not gonna ask him to do it now," he sighed,

Amelie sat down on the couch and started to fold some trousers, shirts and hoodies. "Yeah, perhaps the best... If you need me to help, just ask me."

He shook his head. "No, you're doing enough here. And you're a guest, if I can still consider you as a guest. You are here more than me." Sacha looked at her. "But do you have an idea what is going on with him?"

Amelie shook her head. "No, no idea," she sighed. "How was he acting this weekend?"

"Normal, but Sunday he became quieter, but I assumed it was because of the upcoming week. I didn't see him yesterday, but last night he was normal when you were around. But now...all time low."

She nodded and made a ponytail in her hair. "I don't know, but he was acting off yesterday as well. I thought it was because of the situation at the graduation." Sacha raised his eyebrows. "Some kid confessed he was in love with me in front of Lando," she made the story clear. "But we have talked about it, and I don't think this is why he is acting off."

"Are you serious? Jeez, that's stupid of that kid."

"I know," Amelie mumbled. "I will give him some time. When I'm having a day off, I don't want anyone near me."

He nodded. "That's a good idea." Sacha turned back to his work.

Amelie was finished with folding the clothes and made herself a cup of tea. She was wondering what was wrong. Was it still about that guy? But if something was actually wrong, Carlos or someone else would have texted Amelie, right? A sigh rolled over her lips, it was getting frustrating, not knowing what was wrong. And perhaps it was nothing. After thirty minutes, Amelie's patience was gone, could she talk to him now? She grabbed a glass and filled it with water before walking to Lando's room. She knocked on the door and waited for a reaction. It stayed silent, but she opened the door anyway. "Lan?" Her head popped around the door, and she saw him laying on bed, the blanket rolled up around him.

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