Word of Thanks

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This is the end... Hold your breath and count to ten...


Yeah, that's it. We have reached the end of Two Faces. It was a rocky road from the start because we both had little time to spend on the book, but we made it. And it was a rocky road we adored - because jeez, what a year.

The idea of this story started all the way back in January, but there simply wasn't a second storyline for this book. And about whom is this story? The decision was made to go for The Blackout - a story we loved. After The Blackout, this idea was still bothering us, so we decided to pick it up and make work from it.

This book started as an innocent book, but quickly turned into a book full of emotions; mental health. The goal for us was to show that nobody is perfect, not even in books, because that just isn't how real life is. Most people have two faces - and there you go, the title of this book. We both are not afraid to admit we have been struggling with mental health, and still do. That's why it's important to speak up about it.

Two Faces was all about the two sides people have. For example: Amelie was the happy, always smiling intern and acted she had her life under control, but her whole life was a mess behind the scenes. And what do you think about Nathaniel: showing the emotionless businessman while he has lost his wife and child and went through an emotional rollercoaster. Or: Lando is always smiling, but he says he sometimes struggles with mental health behind the scenes. We could name more examples, but we think you will get our statement.

Also - the characters are based on us; the humour, how we are, the things we said or have done. This book is close to us on many ways.

If you are struggling, don't be afraid. You're not alone. Talk to someone; someone you trust, someone online (it can be anonymously), your doctor, teacher, neighbour... Share your story. People will listen and help you.

Anyway, let's cheer this a bit up!!! Your comments... they're the reason why we keep writing. It makes us so happy to read your comments, your theories about the story, the compliments. This is honestly the reason why writing is so addictive and exciting; the reactions completes the process. We write to make you happy, and your commenting makes us happy; we couldn't wish for something better and more grateful. You make us smile and make us so thankful - it's one of the most valuable things.

I am thanking my best friend from the bottom of my heart. She is the second owner of this account, the person who creates the stories ;). Thank you so much for everything; checking the chapters, giving me story ideas so I could write it. It has been an amazing journey, and I can't imagine writing anything without you. I really appreciate your time and help. I love you❤️.

Thank you for helping❤️ kissniallerhoran - check out her stories as well!!

And of course you. Thank YOU for reading this book, thank you for voting, commenting and your messages. Thank you for your support, thank you for being part of our journey. Without you, we wouldn't be here. 💞

A thanks to Lando, without you, this wouldn't be a success.

And Sky Sports F1 for your content, Carlos, Jon, George, Alex and many more people - thank you!!!

This will be the last book for a while. We both have to do internships - unfortunately not at Sky Sports F1, and we are both in our final year. We really want to focus on our finals, internships and writing a bachelors thesis. You will be the first to hear when we have a new book; probably soon because I know myself.

2020 has been a shit year, we can't deny that. We are wishing you all the best in 2021 and may it be a better year <3

We really adored writing this book and reading all of your comments.

Enjoy our Christmas special, stay safe and we will see you soon!!



Two Faces || Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now