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Amelie closed her laptop and stopped the recorder from playing. It was her task to write the interviews in a document from the recorders. Don't get me wrong, but this task is killing me. It took her hours to get one interview on paper. It was listening, writing, rewind a few seconds, continue writing, losing the sentence, start over again, and repeat. However, she couldn't complain. She was in Monaco, could watch all the practices in real life, and enjoy the warm weather. A part of her didn't quite understand why she had to be here while she could do this task at home too, but she didn't mind doing it in Monaco.

She stored her laptop and bag before getting a bottle of water and leaving the hospitality from Sky Sports. It was time for a break. Her head even started to hurt a bit due to staring at the laptop screen. Amelie was surprised by the people who were walking around; it was even more than yesterday. The sun was burning on her exposed skin, she was glad she didn't have to stand in the sun all day long.

After walking around for a bit, she had found a spot to sit down in the shadow. Amelie took a big sip from her water.

"Hello," a voice said.

Amelie looked up and faced Sacha. "Hey Sacha," she smiled.

"Do you mind if I..?" He pointed at the free spot next to her.

"No, no, please, have a seat," she replied and looked at him when he sat down next to her. "How are you?"

"I'm fine. You?"

She nodded. "I'm fine too."

"We haven't really got to meet each other," Sacha began. "I know you from Lando's stories, and we met yesterday.."

Amelie smirked and stroked a piece of hair behind her ear. "That's true. Well, I'm Amelie, nice to meet you."

"Sacha, nice to meet you too," he chuckled. "Did you arrive safely at your hotel yesterday?" He looked at her.

"Yeah, Jon walked me to my hotel. I saw him walking today, so he made it safely too," she answered and nodded. When Amelie received a DM from Jon he arrived at his hotel, she felt relieved. For some reason, she was kind of scared something might have happened to him - the same when Lando sent her a text. "You? You are in a different hotel too, right?"

"Yes, but it was kind of on the same route at the hotel from the boys. They decided to take a detour," he told and took at the mass people in front of him.

"Ah, good."

"You have spent a week in our house when I was away, right?" Sacha knew Amelie as 'the girl with the brown hair, and beautiful smile from Sky Sports F1'. Well, lately it was 'the girl with the beautiful smile, brown hair, bright coloured eyes and great humour, same as me'. And he could see why.

Amelie looked away, getting soft blushes on her cheeks. "Yeah. It wasn't my intention at first, but it kind of happened. I hope you don't mind," she mumbled.

"Oh, no, absolutely not. I liked the clean house." They both laughed. "Now it sounds like we live in a dirty house, but it was tidier up then when I left,"

"Yeah, I mean, it's a men cave and it will always be like that," she giggled. "But it wasn't all me, Lando did the most of it." Sacha looked impressed, that was new to him. "You drive in F3 right, the Japanese championship?"

A smile curved on his lips. "Yes, I do. How do you know?"

"Lando told me a few weeks ago. How's it going?" Amelie sounded interested and genuinely excited.

"Good, the season only started two races ago. Won a few races. And just started Super GT - GT300, also going well," he proudly said.

She nodded, impressed. "Wow, sounds really cool. And you still have time to be here." Sacha nodded. "Hero, you're a hero. I will watch your next race," she said.

Two Faces || Lando NorrisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora