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Jude looked at his watch, and mumbled something to the coordinator of the study. Amelie chewed on the inside of her cheek and looked outside. Her parents had one job, one bloody job, and they can't even do that. They couldn't even be on time at an appointment for their daughter at school.

"They are late, Amelie," Penelope, the coordinator of the study, said disapproving and let out a deep sigh to let Amelie know it was unprofessional.

Amelie nodded. "Just give them a few more minutes, they probably are stuck in traffic," she faked a smile. She could cry, she was angry, but she had to act normal. There were too many factors to be mad about, and the fact her parents were late again, wasn't making it better.

"What do they do for a living?" Jude asked, to fill in the time.

And that is an excellent question I don't even have the answer on. "They're a business couple who travels all over the world," was the neutral answer she gave.

"That sounds really interesting," Penelope said impressed. "Are-"

On that moment the door of the classroom opened. It became silence in the room, and all eyes were focussed on the door. A man in a navy blue suit entered the room. Amelie raised her eyebrows and looked confused at her brother.

"Good afternoon, my apologies for the delay, there were some difficulties with the traffic," Nathaniel said and gave the two teachers a hand. "Nathaniel Deacon, dad of Amelie."

A frown grew on Amelie's face; my what? Nathaniel sat down next to her, and she looked at him, perplexed. Nathaniel gave her a smile, also giving her the look to play along. Amelie looked away and decided to show a smile, but on the inside, her blood was boiling. Her parents didn't show up, and didn't even let her know, but sent her brother to play her dad. What the fuck is wrong with my family?

"I'm sorry, correct me if I'm wrong, but you look very young to be a parent," Penelope said and looked questionable at Nathaniel.

Nathaniel laughed. "I get that quite a lot, but I had Amelie at a very young age."

Dude, cut the bull crap. Amelie played along and softly chuckled. The conversation started, Jude started to talk about the results of Amelie and Penelope was explaining things about the final exams. Amelie kept quiet and stared outside, everything they told Nathaniel, was already said a million times to her. She didn't even know why she had to be here.

"...but we are working on Spanish, right?" Jude looked at Amelie.

"Yup," she replied coldly.

Jude could feel something was bothering her. He knew Amelie always as a kind and shy girl, but she was cold today. "Vincente has given you extra exercises and papers. You have an exam tomorrow. Have you studied hard for it?"

"I do my best," she said and nodded. "That's all I can do."

"Hmm-hmm," he hummed.

Nathaniel looked at Amelie, he could tell she was done with it. "It will be alright," he assured her.

"What about my internship? Are there any updates on the situation?" Amelie blurted and stretched her back. Suddenly, she was interested in the conversation. "Is there a solution to the problem?"

Jude looked at Penelope. "We have spoken and discussed it, yes," Penelope nodded. "We have come to the conclusion that you have to be at school every Friday. We have contacted Juniper about it and-"

Amelie nodded, disappointed. "Why?" My internship is over, great. If Amelie couldn't make it to the Fridays of the race weekends anymore, it would be over. "Is there another reason than just the presence part? Because I can come back to school on another day if it is vital." She was starting to sneer everything, something you were not supposed to do in front of your teachers.

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