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The decision to dislike Sky this weekend was quickly made for Lando after what happened yesterday. He still didn't agree with the decision, because that was just bullshit. It didn't stop him from seeing Amelie, anyway. He wanted to see the consequences first and then decide what to do next. Thursday was laboriously and long for Lando, he was done for the day, but he had so many things to do.

Friday started standard, briefings, first free practice, more briefings and meetings, the second practice, interviews. The moments in-between, Lando tried to call Amelie, but she didn't pick up her phone. He assumed it was because of the busy day at the track. Lando was quite absent, and his team noticed it. Only the people from the meeting, Carlos and Jon knew what was wrong.

Lando was sitting in front of the McLaren hospitality and stared in front of him. He was waiting for the last debrief to start. He was catching up some conversations, but none of them were something special, until two reporters from Ziggo and Sky Italy passed him.

"That girl from Sky Sports, the one who is making outstanding content, is gone," one of them said.

Lando looked up from his phone, and he raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, she ran away. Rumours go she broke so many rules. That is what you get when you hire a puppy as an intern."

Were they talking about Amelie? Lando looked at the two men who were walking away. He didn't understand it, was it about Amelie? His eyes fell on Juniper and Peter who were walking towards him. The looks on their faces were stressful and panicky.

"Amelie still doesn't answer her phones, straight to her voicemail," Juniper said and put her phone away. "She's last seen on WhatsApp on her own phone is at 11:32 yesterday morning. And her work phone 12:26 yesterday afternoon. The hotel can't reach her, even her emergency person not. Nobody on the grid can reach her. Her social media is non-active, as well. She is gone."

"I know this situation is far from ideal, and I am annoyed as hell, but we can't report her as missing as long we haven't checked her hotel room," Peter added.

They walked away from Lando. He straightened his back and parted his lips, something was going on. He grabbed his phone and called Amelie. It went straight to voicemail. A sigh rolled over his lips, bad thing. His leg was bouncing, this was some serious stuff.

"Mate, do you know why my interview with Amelie is cancelled? And why Sky is so stressed today?" Alex walked over to Lando and sat next to him. Lando looked at him with fear in his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"I've no idea, I'm sorry," Lando replied and pressed a thin-lipped smile on his face.

Alex studied his face. "Your face is telling me something else."

"I don't know, Alex. I haven't seen her all day."

Carlos left the McLaren hospitality and joined the two other drivers. "Good afternoon, gentlemen. What is up with the serious faces?" He took a sip from his bottle of water and looked at the two.

"Nothing," Lando replied and replaced his cap on his head.

"It's about Amelie, I get it," Carlos came to a conclusion. "What is up? You can call her or visit her after work. Don't mock."

Alex squeezed his eyebrows together and looked at Lando. "What's going on with Amelie?"

"She..." Lando sighed and shook his head. "Fans spotted us together, and now we can't be seen together anymore and whatever they want us to do." He blew up his cheeks and blew out the air. "And now she is not answering her phone, and her people can't find her. So basically Amelie's missing."

Two Faces || Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now