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The people around Amelie were annoying to her. The bags she had to carry around were just a disaster. The fake smiles she had to give to people. The way she had to pretend everything was fine. She was back at school. She finally entered on the right floor after a minute of walking the stairs. It was quiet in school, probably because she was late. Amelie walked through the hallways and was searching for the right classroom.

It was Monday, the day after the Monaco GP. And apparently, there was an extra school day planned - something Amelie didn't realise until the very last minute. Amelie opened the door and faced her class; everyone was sitting alone and separated from each other. Amelie always thought it was cool to walk around with work stuff, but that was not the case. Her eyes found Mabel's, who sat in the back. She was sending Mabel a what-the-fuck look, Mabel shrugged and gave Amelie the same look on her being late.

"Ah, good morning Amelie. Very delighted you still decided to show up anyway," Penelope said on a bitchy tone Amelie only could know. "The last seat is here." She pointed at the empty seat on the front row.

Amelie plastered a fake smile on her face and walked to the front of the class. She dropped her bags next to her table on the ground and had a seat. A yawn escaped her mouth once she sat down, and her eyes fell heavier than before. She blinked a few times and looked at the clock, she was ten minutes late to her surprise - she thought she would be late for at least an hour. Her eyes scanned the PowerPoint presentation, it was about the finals and final assignments. This perfectly could fit on a Friday, not today.

"The finals are in a few weeks, I will walk you through the schedule."

Amelie crossed her arms in front of her chest and looked uninterested at the presentation. I have already planned this out? This is useless. The bright digital board was aching her eyes. She was regretting the choices she made last night. All Amelie could think about was going home and sleep. The time went slowly.

"Amelie," someone whispered behind her. It took a moment to realise Amelie was called. She looked up and looked behind her. "Here," Monica whispered. Their eyes locked. "I watched your interview yesterday, it looked pretty cool," she whispered and widely smiled.

Amelie raised her eyebrows, one of the Snakes was giving her a compliment. Did Monica watch Formula One in the first place and did she mean it? Questions and confusion were coming up in Amelie's head. "Thanks," she whispered back and gave Monica a shallow smile. Her eyes glide up to Mabel, who had a questionable look on her face. Amelie pressed down the corners of her mouth and shook her head; this was odd. She turned back to the presentation and drowned in her own thoughts.

"Thank you for your attention to the first part of the day, the break starts now. You have till 11:30 the time to do you thing," Penelope mentioned.

Everybody in the class got up. Amelie stretched her arms and got up from her stool as well. She grabbed her bags and walked towards Mabel.

"Good morning to you," Mabel smirked and grabbed her phone out of her bag. "You look like a zombie."

Amelie threw her bag on the ground and yawned. "What two hours of sleep can do," she sarcastically replied.

"Mate, what?" Mabel got up, and they walked towards the cafeteria. "How?"

"I forgot we had school today." Amelie and Mabel walked off the stairs. "So I was on my way to have an all-nighter, but that didn't work out how I wanted it to be, so I fell asleep on the plane for two hours, and now I am a zombie."

"That is very handy of you," Mabel snorted. "But what needed Monica from you?"

"I don't know, she was like 'I saw your interview and it was pretty cool'. Since when does that girl watch F1 and since when does she have the permission from Brad and Stephanie to talk to me?" Amelie noticed the looks she got from her fellow students, but she ignored them. She knew it was from the interview from yesterday, but she was too tired to even think about it.

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