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Little note from us:
Monday was officially the last day of our birthday week = everyday upload day week BUT we decided to continue with the daily updates as long as it's possible combining with our other priorities/school. Just because we love you guys, the comments make us happy and we just really appreciate the support!!!!


It was the media day of the French GP, and Amelie just arrived at the track. Once she got in, she faced everyone again. Lando told Amelie about the rumours other people made up about her absence, but Amelie didn't care about it. It was just a small 'problem' in comparison to the situation she was dealing with right now. Amelie made her way to the Sky Sports hospitality and greeted a few of her colleagues. She walked to the meeting room; she would face Juniper and discuss the upcoming weekend. You would say Amelie would be nervous about meeting Juniper after the last race, but Amelie was just calm and acting as nothing had happened. The room was empty, apart from a table and a few chairs, and Juniper who was leaning against the table, scrolling through her phone.

"I see you made an effort to show up this time," Juniper coldly said, not even looking up from her phone.

"Juniper..." Amelie carefully said.

"Save it, Amelie. I don't have time for this. We are here for work, but you screwed up a lot last week, really badly." Juniper looked up from her phone and sighed. "It is just a contact ban, not the end of the world. It is even a miracle you are still walking around here. I would have fired you right away, because your behaviour is trash, Amelie," Juniper sneered and looked betrayed at her. "You are really testing me out here." She wasn't happy and honestly didn't want to see Amelie to prevent other anger explosions.

Amelie nodded and took a deep breath. It was hard for her to stay calm. "It's honestly a miracle for me as well, how I am still walking around on this bloody earth," she blurted annoyed. "I may have been unresponsible by not showing up or letting people know what I have been up to that day, Juniper, but I was tired," she hissed and out both her hands on the table. Her eyes found Juniper's.

"And I am tired too! But that isn't giving me the option to stay in bed all day!" Juniper exploded of anger. It looked like she was angry about the situation, but she was worried. "Does Lando means that much for you? That you laying in bed, with a broken heart? Girl, good luck with the rest of your life if this was a disaster to you."

"You've got to be kidding me," Amelie smirked sarcastically. "I had no energy that day, I couldn't even walk or eat, let alone standing in front of a camera! That contact ban was the last thing I needed in my life to make it a real disaster, but that wasn't the only reason why I didn't show up. You know nothing about me, Juniper. You don't get to judge this situation, because you have really no idea what is going on in my life right now." Tears formed in her eyes, and her voice cracked. "Because all you care about is how I present, how I please the drivers, the media and the fans. I am smiling all day long, trying to appear happy, but I am broken and so lost that I don't even know where I am anymore, who I am anymore. I am holding everything together now, but the strings are barely holding it anymore. So no, Juniper, you don't get to judge my situation."

"Then why are you acting this suspicious and weird?! I am trying to understand what is going on in your mind, but you are not letting me in!" It was silence and Juniper looked at Amelie; she really looked lost and broken. The tension changed, perhaps disappeared. Juniper parted her lips. Something was going on Juniper didn't know. And this was affecting everything. "What's going on, Mil?"

Amelie straightened her back and dried her eyes. "I'm tired, and I don't know how I am still alive, how I am still here." She ran both of her hands through her hair. The situation was private, but Juniper had the rights to know something about it. "It's just too much, I'm sorry. School was pushing me to my limit, Sky was just putting so much stress on me, the thing with school a few months ago, the contact ban and there's family drama and issues going on now. It just got too much."

Two Faces || Lando NorrisNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ