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"When I was younger, we used to dine in the park in the summer. Simple sandwiches or chips, just the ultimate summer feeling on a normal evening," Lando told Amelie when they were walking through the local woods with a bag of food. "Ollie, Flo, Cis and I would play football or playing tag while mum and dad were chilling, watching how we would fight over a stupid thing. But it were good memories."

A smile curved on Amelie's lips, she could imagine the moments of his family. Especially on a summer night like this; warm, but not too warm, grateful surroundings and happy people. She wrapped her arm around his middle and closed the gap between him and her.

Lando wrapped his arm around Amelie's shoulders, and they continued walking. "And now it's a date."

"Yes, a date," she repeated and looked around for a good spot to have dinner.

"I don't want to be rude or make you feel upset, but have you done things like this when you were younger? Like doing family stuff?" It somehow made Lando feel guilty he had the opportunity to have those things, while Amelie's situation was different.

Amelie nodded. "Poppy and Gerard have kids as well; Joris and Maxime, a few years older than me. Poppy and Gerard have raised me like their own child, so Joris and Maxime basically are my brother and sister. So I have experienced family moments, holidays, vacations, all stuff like that. So I know how it feels to have annoying siblings who really want to be dead at the end of the day if they didn't stop messing around, and I know how to mess with them and be like the worse person on earth for doing that. But also have a family who loves me, and I gave love back," she gave the answer to his question. "I'm not a heartless person who doesn't know how to function with family, don't worry, I had it in my education."

He smirked. "That's fair," he replied. "Just asking before I will tell stuff and makes you feel upset because of... you know."

"No, no, absolutely not," she smiled and pressed a kiss on his cheek. "I don't know if I mentioned it, but I really enjoyed it yesterday. And today."

The corners of his mouth curled up. "I'm glad you did, Mils. It was fun yesterday, and my family likes you, so that made me enjoy yesterday even more. And having you at the factory...wished we could have happened that much earlier."

"It was pretty cool with the cool stuff."

"I told you there's cool stuff there."

After a few minutes, they walked to a free picnic table. They sat down, stalled two Tupperware trays and something to drink. Lando opened his Tupperwares and looked at Amelie's tray, looking at her dinner, he had no idea what she had made for dinner for herself.

"What do you have?" Lando curiously asked.

"Couscous with grilled veggies and feta cheese," Amelie replied and showed her dinner. "You?"

"Looks delicious," he said. "Potatoes, veggies and chicken," he described his dish. "Bon appétit."

"Bon appétit." Amelie put the sunglasses on her nose and looked satisfied around. Just taking meals in Tupperwares, sitting in the local woods on a summer evening. What else did you need to make it a perfect night. It wasn't much, but it was perfect. "Anyway, are you free on Monday? Or is it race week and full focus on that?"

He shook his head. "Day is planned with appointments, but not the full focus yet. Why?"

"Graduation is on Monday, and I can invite five people, and I wanted to invite you, but if you have appointments..." She pressed a thin-lipped smile on her lips.

"What time?" He grabbed his phone to have a look at his agenda.

Amelie grabbed her phone as well to look up the email with the details. "It starts at four, planned to six. And then dinner at Mabel with the family." She closed her school mail and put her phone on the table.

Two Faces || Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now