First Few Heists Always Gives You Butterflies (Part 2)

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March 5th 20XX

As four days had passed, the house of Stolas had simmered down a bit. Well, considering if 'simmered down' means that there is a silent storm of rage brewing from Stella; Stolas's wife. The two have been very slim when speaking with one another, mostly on how Stolas has been sleeping with an Imp. An agreement with the Imp about his business with being hired killers, once a month, he would have the Imp, Blitzo, to have an intimate time in order to keep the grimoire for I.M.P.

The mansion was entirely large, one would be amazed to find a room or two for only the servants to be called upon in the dead of night. Halls so big that you could bring in a big crate box thru. Octavia, the daughter of Stolas and Stella, has been feeling very much depressed from the ordeal. Though she doesn't show it.

Octavia walks through the halls with her music on to drown out the noise that her parents make. As she walks, she looks out to see the garden that Stolas attends with. Though beauty in view, up close, they are man eaters, they get hungry enough, they might as well eat themselves. Along with the view of the garden is a wall that separates and protects the house, but she has a view of a wandering Hellhound in a sweat jacket looking at the wall. One with black and grey fur with a scar across his snout and face. For a split second, she was about to ignore the hellhound, but she noticed or felt some sort of ambition from that hellhound. He's not looking at the wall, more as if he was looking through it.

Octavia: Better hope you see more than you can imagine. She says softly as she continues on and looks at the hellhound.

She notices that the hellhound had some sort of white spot at the back of his head and the tip of his tail is white, like a paintbrush dipped in white. She finds the kitchen where she grabs a bowl and makes some cereal, she then heads over to the dinner table where she sees her mother eating her meal.

Stella: Octavia.

Octavia: Mom.

The two sit in silence for a time, not talking or even looking at each other. Then came Stolas, who was dressed in his royal attire, Stella and Octavia turn to him and notice.

Stella: For once, you look royal rather than plebeian. She says with a tone of disappointment.

Stolas's face had given a flat expression to Stella's remark.

Octavia: Not going to stay for breakfast, dad?

Stolas: No, it would seem that a meeting is taking place at Lucifer's home. It would seem an important matter.

Stella: Anything serious?

Stolas: Not sure, but it may not be as serious as one would think.

Steall: Hmph.

Stolas: I'll be back later tonight.

Octavia: Okay.

Stolas had hugged Octavia as she was seated, Stella and Stolas didn't even look or said goodbye. The whole family has their own daily lives as they go with the days ahead. Stella was handling various governing and paperwork that Stolas had left behind, along with trying to keep the reputation of the family. Octavia, with her life, she continues on, or at least tries, to be a teenager in hell. Being with those who she calls friends and heading over to odd shops for goths. After many hours had passed, Octiava and Stella met again for dinner, soon to be meeting with Stolas across the table.

Stella: ...How did the meeting go?

Stolas: Tiresome, but mostly on an odd topic.

Octavia was mostly hearing her music, not fully hearing the conversation. Politics would bore anyone for any child.

Arséne Lupin of Hell. (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss )Where stories live. Discover now