The Teacher Throws You In The Ring

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Amu was sitting on the couch while the rest; Arsene sitting in a lone chair facing Amu; Blitzo, Millie, and Moxxie are sitting at the table facing Amu as well while Millie plays around with his knives; Loona was much busy on her phone.

Amu: I didn't know you would have company.

Lupin: They worry, sorta happens when you find people who you consider family.

Moxxie, Millie and a bit of Blitzo who found that comment to be a point of shock and a bit embarrassed. Loona, for a moment, looked from her phone to look at Lupin, she could see that Lupin meant it.

Amu: Hm, well, the person on the phone had told me you were strong.

Lupin: And how can you tell?

Amu: That conflict you had with that gang a month ago, I was able to see how you were fighting.

Lupin: Up on a building no less.

Amu: ...Good guess. You

Lupin's expressions of excitement or praised for his skills in the heat of battle, turned quickly to a reality of a frown.

Amu: Hear me out pup, while you were able to handle your own, you took more beatings than you thought. Truth be told, surprise how you are still standing.

Lupin: I've had a good doctor.

Amu: Not to mention stubborn.

Moxxie: He got you there, Arséne.

Lupin slumps his head, for it was true.

Amu: Had your friends not shown up to provide back, your story would've ended then and there.

Blitzo: Is there a rest stop from here and to the fucking point old man?

Amu: Sighs. My point is. Looks to Lupin. You rely too much on your friends.

They all then began to look at Amu with widened eyes; they felt as if he was making this a lie for Lupin to join in on the gym. But Lupin began to think back of the heist and plans, how many were stealth and avoiding conflict. When there was, Lupin made close calls and near death experiences for him and his crew, be it with I.M.P or his thieves.

Amu: By your expression, Mr. Lupin, you know I'm right.

Lupin: Yes...But I'm wondering why I should go to you. When there could be many oth-

Amu: Have you ever wondered that many gyms here in the pride ring won't let in a hellhound? Or hell, what would happen if you do enter that gym?

Lupin then begins to think, and turns to Loona.

Loona: He's right, not all gyms would be kind to hellhounds, or let them in. You would either get beaten up with no mercy or get bullied. That or rape.

Lupin quickly turns to see if Loona said it with an honest expression, to which he saw her smiling, making a joke on that last part. Lupin rolled his eyes in a clear head of relief a bit, but was still having the thought that the situation lingered in his head.

Amu: Other than that, the person had called me to train you. From the basics to the advance within the time we have left before the tournament.

All: Tournament?

Amu then pulls out a flier, one that would be that of a WWE poster, saying 'Fighters from all around the Pride Ring, join Pentagram City Stadium to participate in the annual tournament. A chance to win 300,000$ and take the title from the reigning champ, 15 years running, Hippo Gunther! Join in before Aug 31st!' layered on top of the name of the champion, there is a blacked shadow figure of a hippo sinner that clearly shows off his masculinity.

Arséne Lupin of Hell. (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss )Where stories live. Discover now