Chapter 6 Prologue

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May 5th 20XX

To where Valentino watches all of the action from his favorite booth to watch the show, Val shows an annoyed expression on his face. Not only hearing on the agreed shipment from Caym Wilson, to the disgraced casino he owns and of the missing trucks that have been stolen by someone who calls themselves 'Wolf'. But for the most part in his mind, he thought of this as a nuisance, some small time trying to take bits and pieces from big times. He takes a moment to breathe, smokes his cigarette and blows smoke ring it to the dancer.

Vox: Comes in. Val.

Val: Vox baby~, good to see you.

Vox: Comes over to sit down and orders a drink.

Val: So what's the news feed coming to lately?

Vox: Well, it involves that gang from April that made noise.

Val: And?

Vox: Along with Angel Dust.

Val was close to showing his expression, but Val caught himself and stayed neutral. Vox then explains the Diamond gang and the car Angel Dust was in, along with Cherri Bomb and the hellhound who calls himself Wolf.

Val: Am I to assume that this low born hellhound is this Wolf that robbed that 'Devilish deals'?

Vox: Most likely, considering how he was so armed, he could've robbed the place gun blazing.

Val: But could've been met with force. So, he did it like a thief rather than a brute.

Vox: Which I find most confusing.

Vox's drink soon came and grabbed it, the waitress that was leaving had gotten attention from Vox as she left. Val then soon notices Vox being glued to the waitress. Val then feels a bit jealous and pinches Vox's shoulder.

Val: Don't lose focus, what else do we know of this wolf?

Vox: So far, he's been some sort of robin hood in hell. Saving some sinners and hellborns. Getting imps and some shit out of the streets before they get caught in some fight.

Val: Looks at Vox in confusion. Now who in their right mind would do that?

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Meanwhile, over at an office with a layout for some boxer coach.

???: On the phone. Uh-huh, I saw how he fought with those spiders. He's green behind the ears, but he has potential.


???: Yeah, I haven't had the chance. Boy is good at hiding and blending.


???: Makes sense. So how do I get this hellhound if he's so keen on keeping things so hidden.


???: Hm, and you're sure that this one is strong? I don't wa-


???: Now that was uncalled for, I-


???:No, I hate to say it, but you're right.


???: Fine. Fine. I'll see what I can do.


???: "Sorry for what he'll do to the gym"? The fuck does that-


The figure slumps and frowns from the call ending, he then puts the phone down and leans back on his chair. He looks at a photo, an Imp and rabbit sinner practicing throwing some punches on mitts. A sinner demon then opens the door to the office.

Arséne Lupin of Hell. (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss )Where stories live. Discover now