When One Wolf Is Hunted...

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June 4th 20XX

Cherri and Angel have been hanging around for a while past noon over lunch at Susan's Diner, the same one where I.M.P have had their meals. But, Cherri was very concerned about something, Angel had noticed it and was confused because Cherri was the one who wanted to go out and eat so that they could talk, but now...

Angel: Hey Cherri, everything okay?

Cherri: ...Not really, Lupin left...He left with something after reading that letter.

Angel: Letter?

Cherri: A letter arrived that made him grab his coat and rush out.

Angel: Wow...did he have pants on when he left?

Cherri: I-...thinks for a moment. I...don't think he did. Not sure.

Moxxie: He did not.

Moxxie enters from behind with Millie, they both join Angel and sit in the booth.

Cherri: Oh hey you two.

Angel: These are the ones that you told me about you and Arséne were having fun with?

Cherri: Yep, especially the cowgirl over there. Shows the bite mark on her neck she gets feisty like Arséne.

Millie giggles as Moxxie blushes remembering the event.

Angel: Damn, now I wish I was there. Though he probably wouldn't-

Cherri: Oh, he would've. Definitely did it with the husband over there. Gestures to Moxxie. Was a little jealous of the little man.

Angel: What did you animals do there?

Moxxie: Can we get back to the topic on hand; specifically, where is Arséne?

They all found it funny for a moment when Moxxie blushed since he was the one who put the topic back in focus. But, they went back to discussing rumors of Arséne's whereabouts, mostly just whispers and many amounted to little or nothing. Speculations were made of possible new heists, a deal to be made, or such other adventure that Arséne would fancy. Moxxie, on the other hand, was thinking deeply about the situation; Millie notices the expression and pats Moxxie's shoulder.

Millie: You got an idea, hun?

Moxxie: Turns to Millie. It's only a hunch, but I had gotten in touch with one of Lupin's thieves to confirm my hunch.

Angel: Lupin's thieves? Oh, right, his 'penitent' thieves.

Moxxie: Yes, we've met a couple of times but Lupin trusts the guy. So I trust him.

Cherri: 100%?

Moxxie then nods to the question, Cherri was very surprised by Moxxie's response. Sinners have been above hellborns, imps, and hellhounds, any relations of either kind wouldn't last or would end up in a bloody mess. Cherri and Angel have been around long enough to see how such a tie between sinners and demons could end up. It was then that the four heard the bell signifying that another customer had come through the door of Susan's Diner. Marcus soon sees the lot and joins them in the booth, Moxxie and Millie make some space for him when he gets close. "Could've asked to be seated, or a hello at least." Millie thought as Marcus sat down.

Angel: Aaaand who the fuck are you?

Marcus: I am one of Lupin's thieves, Marcus.

Moxxie: He's the one I called.

Cherri: Oh, so you're part of Lupin's crew then?

Marcus: He prefers the word, pack, but yes. I am.

Millie: I've heard of you. Lupin mentioned you being punished for something.

Arséne Lupin of Hell. (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss )Where stories live. Discover now