The Heir of Liberty Part 3

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Feb 31st 20XX 7:05PM

IMP were hired to handle some employees from a technology company, through the death of this one person, along with taking his works and notes, this one employee became a right hand for the CEO of the company. The advancement of these target positions got him a spot on the hills, a modern house with the various comforts and luxury that one man wants in the world. Large flat screen tv, hottest car on the market, large sums of money in the bank account, etc. Along with that, the most up to date security that would make it look like a Bond's villain house. Cameras to the hallways with no blind spots, for each were covering for each other. Pressure sensors to indicate who's in and who's not, for it helps with a small private security guard that the target bought. What with so many quick choices being made in the company, can make someone tense up...For good reason too.

IMP had simply cut off the power line to the house and had executed their assault upon the household. Moxxie and Millie had entered first to try a silent approach of entering the house, Blitzo had been watching from afar with his sniper/assault rifle. In the end, the job went well, all those connected with the target were dead, along with the target. The house ended up in a bloody mess, and the word bloody is used heavily for much of the security force was noticed and tried to swarm in on Moxxie and Millie. The three then head back to hell with a smile on their face, a portal to hell open for them and start to head back to the office.

Blitzo: Whoo! That was fun.

Millie: Fuck yeah, those guards were notin, surprise when some of em were bleeders.

Blitzo: Yeah, the one in the hallway was like an oil well. Just Boosh!

As the portal begins to close and Blitzo and Millie continue to talk, Moxxie then heads over to the book and begins to draw the portal to the human world.

Loona: Blitzo, Moxxie's trying to head back to the human world.

Blitzo: Turns Whoa, where the fuck do you think you're going?

Moxxie: Heading to the place where you picked me up from Lupin's.

Blitzo: Why are you even going? I'm sure the dog is fine.

Moxxie: Sighs. I just want to see this one through, I know we can just let Arsene do the stealing, but-

Blitzo: Since when are you calling him by his first name?

Millie: Come on Blitzo,Comes into the conversation he doesn't look like Lupin ain't hurtin Moxxie so far. Just let Moxxie go back to help out the guy.

Blitzo: Groans Fi~ne~

Millie winks at Moxxie to see him smile. Millie had used the book to open the portal to where Moxxie had last seen Lupin. The underground bar that serves as a temporary base, though surprisingly, it got cleaned and polished. Moxxie's then gets his fix on the laptop of Lupin, he heads over to it and takes a look. The computer was opened and appeared to be off, when he taps on of the keys, it opens up to some info on Bell. Adreian Bell, respected historian of Victorean era and art collector. Owns various artifacts from various centuries and puts them up for rent for different museums who wanted his collection. Yet, reports from the dark webs show that Adreian Bell has been dealing in weapons, makes deal under the radar and have no evidence of his dealings or involvements of many armies, terrorist, and rebel forces. Moxxie looks into further, but then notices a note on the trackpad of the laptop.

Moxxie, I had left at 5:23pm because I was getting mighty hungry. I should return shortly. -AL

Moxxie took a sigh of relief, but found the words at the bottom of the note.

Arséne Lupin of Hell. (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss )Where stories live. Discover now