Isn't it funny how once in a while two reflections end up the same,
Driving myself crazy,
Nocturnal cat running around in my head,
To yell and scream,
And tell myself just to go to bed,
Calm down,
And forget about tomorrow for a second,
What is it that you need today?
Look at yourself in the mirror,
And realize you're looking at two reflections,
The mirror's, and the one in your eyes,
Can you tell me if they really are the same?
Are they really the same?
Difficult it can be to think they are the different,
But can you really see me inside those eyes?
Are they bright and alive?
Or dead inside and buried deep down?
Am I really smiling in delight,
Or is it derailing of your suspicions,
Don't you know that no matter where I go,
I look in the mirror and always see two,
And they very much look the same,
But the mirror lies a bit more,
I can see through every last one of them,
So you might as well follow me,
Away from the mirror in which,
You think you can see me.
-Joshua Banks JJAJ

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