I've stopped holding my breath,
Can't you see that I am done dying,
And yet I won't say a thing,
Not yet,
Whisper another prayer,
And wait for the gossip get around,
Can't you see that I've been dying,
Holding my breath,
Stop telling me it's crazy,
And I know I am the one twisted,
Because I've begun to figure you out,
All you ever want to do is talk,
Even when you seem to come off rough,
Here I am so oblivious,
And yet you deny it,
Stop trying to warp me,
Because I actually like the being I am,
Can't you see,
Even with the bandages,
I can't hold my breath,
Tell me I'm crazy,
Because I know I'm sick,
I won't deny it,
But at least I'm proud of me,
And you can't ever see,
That I may be avoiding you,
But I'm standing so tall,
I, for some reason,
Long for the moment, I can show you,
But for now,
I'm not sure if that's safe for me,
And it tears me apart,
Don't you understand what it does to me,
The very thing you created,
I fear you'll hate it,
Can't wait for the moment I don't have to care.
And wonder if I'll lose one of the first that loved me,
What's the use of being yourself,
And all you ever do is loose,
But get it right,
I'll only leave,
Because I don't forget,
And what I do,
I'm not sure I ever wanted to know.
Brave I guess you can say,
To never admit,
I make a better prince,
When I wear this crown,
Not meant for a queen,
Even the young men ought,
To keep composer,
And hide it far away,
Stand up straight,
And realize you gotta,
Go out on your own,
And fight demons away,
And your heart thumps,
And maybe even shatters,
As I realize I am not alone,
And my heart wonders,
If I really am alone,
Because it beats,
Strings that dance,
And for some reason have consist beat,
My head it screams,
And I wonder if I can still breath,
Because now I don't want to be alone.
How is it I can't help but,
Have my head wonder about love,
When my heart dances in Glee,
It's mighty strange to me,
I dare to try and understand this,
When for some reason it's done so safely,
And I really can breathe.
-Joshua Banks JJAJ

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