Snap Snap Snap,
I found a rubber band,
And picked it up.

Snap snap Snap,
A promise I wouldn't hurt myself,
And at first, I regretted that choice,
To pick it up.

Snap snap Snap,
Only three times today,
It actually my wrist.

Snap Snap Snap,
I have come to realize,
That so much more often,
It's my mouth going.

Snap Snap Snap,
And when I can't say it aloud,
It's in the thoughts in my head,

Snap Snap Snap,
I feel like I can't at all seem to be alone,
And every moment I actually am alone,

Snap Snap Snap,
I'm thinking I didn't mean it,
Not at towards you,
And all I can be is sorry.

Snap Snap Snap,
I can feel me snapping,
Is that me that needs a sedative.

Snap Snap Snap,
A promise I wouldn't hurt myself,
And I still regret this choice,
Picking the habit up.

And for this poem's last time,
I'm going Snap Snap Snap,

And it all too much like a heart attack,
This time it just might be my vision going black,
Or even worse a knife in my back.
-Joshua Banks JJAJ

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