When all I do, s stay here and fret within my head. here has it gone, hat complexity I faced so long ago, hat I cannot, recognize in every last mirror, why is all this, slowly becoming so familiar to me. those glimpses of the person, find familiar to me. but I can not yet be. wonder what it is, that drives this personal peace, ope that always, one day I would feel so at home, prying that life, ill give me the chance. always have said, the puzzle pieces, think are difficult to decipher, blurred torn and cold. why is this it, the thing that begins to unfreeze, myself from the silent observer, that I am still prone to be. how can it be, tt the voice that speaks, sounds so unlike the one that falls out of my mouth, that about myself, rives me you and so many of the world crazy. when will you realize, that every once in a while do I hate myself, and on such rare occasions, find myself actually quit killing, it's tragic, how are you I ask, just wondering how you would react my voice rang out and then suddenly, dropped? Wonder what it is, that causes you to ask for company, and I know you just want comfort, but how am I to give when I cannot yet feel? the same thing you that you ask of me, all my peculiar in a way that causes you to be curious, but I am not sure I can yet tell you, o you see the look on my face, o you see how different I am behind these eyes? have I seen you cringe and refuse at times, any sort of touch? h why must this remind me so much, f makes myself feel so damned, finished already I know off to hell. don't you understand that I know, know then man is loved but regretfully made, and I can not find any hope in the scripts that I read, that can explain to me this, but it feels so nice ought it to be sin way feel so obligated to maintain, hat concerns me with going too far, ell myself I can keep it only to mildly concerning. how I can stand most of myself, And parts are missing, don't you know even the scars on my skin, the ones I hold the memories of so dearly, but I'm not so sure if any of it is closer to my heart or the back of my head.-Joshua Banks JJAJ

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