Can you put out my fire? (MATURE) (sterek)

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Derek knew he should have felt the excitement of Halloween. But right now, that thrill was not there. Instead, he was irritated and uncomfortable. The fireman costume he wore was stiff and foreign to his skin, even though it was only comprised of a navy-blue shirt and red straps that held up a pair of heavy black pants. Damn Isaac for forcing him to come to the party.

It was beginning to get loud in Isaac and Scott's townhouse. Mermaids, vampires, and doctors mingled happily with werewolves, witches, and mummies, dispersed throughout the main living area. Derek stood unhappily by the punch bowl table, not really listening as Scott's friend, Stiles, continued to talk to him about the origin of Halloween.

He looked at the kitchen and saw Scott, dressed as a werewolf, with his arm around Isaac's waist, who heavily resembled Dracula, powdered skin and a silky black cape complete. Their entire home was festively decorated for Halloween, with orange and black streamers hanging from the ceiling, cobwebs positioned carefully, light-up skulls and pumpkins on the counters.

Derek switched his attention back to Stiles. The man had come as a police officer. His costume was deep black and snug on his body, not leaving much to the imagination. Derek had to admit that the guy was good-looking, if a bit of a dork. He only knew Stiles because they were both friends with Isaac and Scott, but otherwise they had not developed much of a friendship.

"But seriously, dude, I love Halloween, and for some reason people don't really give a shit when I start rambling about it," Stiles said.

"Uh huh," Derek replied.

Derek did not exactly mean to be distant or uninterested. He was heavily irritated because, before the party, a potential hook-up had bailed, effectively taking away his chance of getting some much-needed dick. And now he was spending the night on edge surrounded by people in costumes, only able to focus on what he had not gotten.

"And don't even get me started on what the best horror films to watch are," Stiles said, before diving into a new topic.

Derek felt his own urge growing stronger. He needed a good fuck, and it needed to happen soon. He thought about his options, though none of them seemed to pan out to his liking. After all, he wasn't the settling type. But if something did not happen soon, he would be going to bed alone and miserable for the night, and who knows how long that would continue.

"Hey, Stiles," someone said coming up and passing them, "I'm shocked you're not talking about your lack of a sex life for once!"

"It's still a tragedy that deserves to be heard," Stiles shot back jovially.

And that had done it for Derek. He then examined Stiles, taking a different look. The man was high-octane for sure, full of lively energy that seemed always replenishable. As he spoke his arms went up, highlighting a specific point he was making.

Maybe all that energy will come in handy, Derek thought. Plus, he is cute, now that I'm looking again.

Yes, Stiles would do, and wasting any more time seemed pointless.

"Meet me outside," Derek suddenly said.

Stiles looked at him quizzically, but Derek was already heading for the front door. No one noticed as he left, and no one paid attention either as Stiles went forward, confused.

"Is something up?" Stiles asked him when they were outside, a cold air blowing past them.

Derek waited a moment before speaking. Then he asked, "Feel like breaking your dry spell?"

Stiles' mouth dropped. "With you?"

Derek nodded his head. "If you're interested." Without trying to show it, Derek hoped that Stiles would say yes, though from desperation or because he was interested, he did not know.

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