Shift (Derek Hale) (Contains Mature Content) pt.2

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The next morning proved me wrong as everything began to spiral into even more complicated waters. The alpha pack returned and we were still looking for Chris, Melissa and the Sheriff. I spent my time between the school, helping Stiles trying to locate his Dad and trying to stay as far away from Derek as possible. After the night that he visited my apartment, I couldn't bring myself to face him, when I saw him I could smell the sadness rolling off him. My wolf ached to comfort him, but I couldn't risk losing his friendship in the process. Everything came to a head the night that the pack decided to meet with Deucalion and his pack in attempts to trap and kill the Darach. This plan forced me and Derek into the same space, as we tried to figure out a good plan.

"You can't come with us to the meeting." Derek muttered under his breath. I frowned and crossed my arms.

"Why not?" I asked, face set like stone. He crossed his arms and rolled his eyes in response.

"You know why. Because for some reason you still can't manage a full shift." He muttered, eyes dark in the light of his loft.

"But I can stand guard, watch Jennifer make sure that doesn't try anything." I said, standing up straighter to seem more serious.

"Because that worked so well in the hospital." He muttered in response.

"She overpowered both of us, Derek, if you remember correctly. Besides now I'll know what to expect." I said, squaring up to him completely. He breathed out through his nose gruffly.

"Fine, but you're leaving the building when the Alpha pack shows up. You'll stand guard outside, if anyone escapes you'll stop them." He said, letting his hands fall to his sides. I could feel the pain that he was in and my wolf whined internally. I nodded,

"That sounds fair enough." I replied, moving back to the table where plans were laid out.

"Ok, now let's get back to the plan." He said, moving to stand next to me. I smiled at my feet, when his arm brushed mine, causing the hair on the back of my neck to stand on end. I dared a sidelong glance at him as he spoke explaining the plan in great detail, I felt my heart twist at his indescribable beauty. He was so unaware of the affect that he had on people and that only made me love him more. He cleared his throat drawing from my reverie.

"Are you listening?" He asked, smirking at me. I blushed and nodded.

"Of course, continue." I said with a small smile. He launched into the plan again and I listened intently as I watched his hands moving as he explained.


The night rolled around and we waited in the abandoned warehouse where the meeting was scheduled to take place.

I waited tensely, watching over Jennifer as she sat with her arms crossed, smirk set firmly on her face as she watched. I could see Derek and Peter pacing in front of the building as they waited for the alpha pack to arrive. My gaze drifted over Derek's pacing form worry rising in my chest at the scent of anxiety that rolled off of him. A cough broke my trance, snapping my attention back to Jennifer, who was smirking up at me. I frowned and crossed my arms.

"What?" I snapped, eyes narrowing at her. She shook her head and leaned back on the box that she was sitting on.

"The way you look at him is pathetic." She muttered, eyes glinting cruelly in the harsh light.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I murmured, beginning to pace as well.

"That's a lie. We both know how you feel about him. It's not like you're subtle about it with all the longing looks, gentle touches and showing up unannounced whenever you can trying to wiggle your way into any crevice of his life. It's sad, (y/n)." She said, resting her forearms on her knees.

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