Soulmate? (Liam Dumbar) pt.2

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After the bell rand and the teacher dismissed the class you left for your next class with a very confused heart. Part of you wanted to talk to Liam a little more to try and understand what was going on, while the other side of you didn't want to get in case it really was just some super weird coincidence. You rushed to your locker to get a book for your next class while thinking back to earlier in class.

Liam let out a quiet gasp as he looked at the tattooed words on your wrist that had a fancy font. It was his name, which was obvious to him. He let go of your wrists and sat back in his chair as he found himself in deep thought as he wondered how you could be his soulmate if he didn't feel it. Mistakenly, you assumed he didn't want to talk to you and so you sat back as well and attempted to listen as the teacher went on talking about the lesson. Your mind and eyes seemed to keep wondering back to Liam. Why wasn't he talking to you?

Snapping from your thoughts, you reached your locker and began to unlock the lock when Liam appeared beside you, panting wildly. "Hey," He stammered out breathlessly, hunched over just a little, "I was looking all over for you." He managed out. You gave him an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, I didn't know if you wanted to talk about it or not. You didn't talk to me in class." You said, pushing your hair out of your face and unlocking your locker and grabbing your books before shutting the locker. Awkward silence filled the air around the two of you and only the sound of your rushing peers and teachers yelling for everyone to hurry up and get to class broke that awkwardness.

"No, no, I want to talk to you," He said quickly, "Just... Uh- Sorry about ignoring you." He said sheepishly and you laughed a little at how awkward he was being.

"It's alright." You said. You honestly needed to think about it yourself. You weren't even sure if he was really your soulmate. It didn't feel as if you suddenly knew everything about each other. You didn't see the world stop around the two of you.

"Do we- I don't know, ask someone about this?" He wondered out loud and you shrugged. Who would you even ask? It wasn't something taught in school, really. It more of your parent, or guardian's responsibility to make sure you understood the basics of soulmates, soul markings, and stuff like that. Unfortunately, both you and Liam found it to awkward to talk about with your parents and tried shrugging them off when they attempted to talk about it with you. Now you were regretting not listening more. The only thing you knew about how it or how it felt when you find your soulmate was from what Stiles had told you about it when he met his soulmate, Malia. Though he gave quite a lot of detail it didn't really do you well considering the circumstances, all you knew was this wasn't normal.

"I guess," You said, frowning, who to ask? "Maybe we could talk to the nurse, yeah?" You mumbled, ignoring the sounds of the bell ringing somewhere in the background. He nodded. Anything would do if it got this sorted out. He didn't want something to be wrong with either of you.

You gave him a smile and grabbed his hand, saying something about showing him where the nurse's office was. For a second, you both felt a small shock when your hands touched. You shrugged it off as something you were imagining, but Liam put a little more thought to it. Was that? Did she feel it to? He asked himself silently following you.

When you arrived at the nurse's office you let go of Liam's hand absentmindedly, forgetting you were even still holding his hand. The only reason you realized it was because of the cold air sweeping across your empty hand that felt made you feel somewhat incomplete. Does he feel that? You wondered. Maybe he did, maybe it had to do with being soulmates. Don't be silly, you told yourself, this might just be a coincidence. You weren't feeling up to getting your hopes up to much over something that might not even be the real thing.

You heard Liam, "[Y/n]," He said worriedly, "Are you okay? You kind of just froze up for a moment." He said once you looked up at him. You smiled, a small laugh coming out of your mouth, as your face went a little red.

"I'm fine, I do that sometimes when I'm thinking about things too much." You said and he tilted he head a bit in wonder. Seeing that made you smile. He is adorable.

"What were you thinking about?" He asked.

"This whole thing." You said, "It's just weird, you know? I don't know if I'm supposed to think you're my soulmate or not. I thought when you meet your soulmate it is supposed to be easy." You said with a sad look on your face. It made him feel sad seeing you upset over this.

"Well, I think tha-" He was cut off by the door opening and the nurse looking at the two of you with an annoyed look.

"What are you to doing standing out here? You're supposed to be in class." She said and you turned to her, blushing a bit.

"Sorry! We, um, we wanted to talk to you about something." You said, feeling embarrassed that you had completely forgot what you were supposed to be doing. The nurse cocked her head to the side with interest and stepped out of the doorway and motioned for the both of you to come inside.

She sat down at her desk and two of you stood awkwardly while waiting for the other to say something to the nurse. Liam looked down and noticed that you clearly didn't feel comfortable explaining it and while he certainly didn't want to either he started to explain it to the nurse as simply as he could, hoping that she would know what was going on because the two of you certainly didn't.

Once he finished telling her what happened she hummed, intrigued, and thought for a second before making a knowing sound, "I wouldn't worry too much it sounds like one of you may have 'soul bonded' with someone else, but other than that you're definitely soulmates. Congratulation on that." She said simply.

You looked at her with confusion. Now you may have no idea what 'soul bounded' means, but it definitely didn't sound as simple as she made it seem. Liam looked at her with more of a terrified look. He may not have known much more than you did, but he remembers a little something from one of the many conversations he had with his dad. He knew that when someone 'soul bonded' with someone else it meant that two souls had found themselves compatible on a level nearing soulmates, it wasn't very common and usually happened between good friend's, especially ones that knew each other since childhood. From what his dad said it sounded like it caused a mess of things.

"Are you sure?" He asked quietly. Maybe she was wrong.

She nodded, giving him a cheery, "Positive!" That only made him feel more upset. You looked at his saddened face and began to feel sad as well. You didn't know what it meant, but that look he had on his face said he did and that it wasn't something that was good. Without thinking you slipped your hand into his and gave his hand a comforting squeeze. This made him turn to you and give you a small smile.

"Listen, kids," She said, calling your attention away from each other, "Unfortunately, I can't tell you who it is that you've 'soul bonded' with or which one of you did. However, if you want to find out who it is then I suggest the both of you gather all your closest friends. The feeling you get when you first meet your soulmate is being put off because you aren't in the same room as your soulmate and the person which ever one of you have 'soul bonded' with, okay?"

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