Mine (brett Talbot) (MATURE)

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You watched the Devenford bus roll into the parking lot as you continued your laps on the track. Damn it they were an hour early and you still had three more miles to go. You hated running when the visiting team got there, the dumb jocks left their shit everywhere not caring that there were other people on the planet, let alone using the area. Scowling, you picked up the pace hoping to finish before you had a run in with one. Liam walked out on to the field in front of you and both of you nodded to the other as you carried on to your own destinations. Sweat was dripping down your body, thankful that you packed just tight shorts and a sports bra today, as you got in a half a mile more when what you had been anticipating happened. A tall boy, with brownish hair that looked blonde when it caught the sun, followed by a couple shorter boys stepped right in your path. You quickly came to a halt but not before your hands collided with strong muscle. The boy turned at the last second and caught your waist keeping you from completely crashing in to him. You looked up in to sparkling blue eyes and then lower down to a delectable mouth with a smirk that almost sparked something in your lower abdomen. Almost, that is until he decided to open it.

"Watch where you're going sugar." His sexy voice caught you off guard for a minute before you realized that he just blamed you for the incident.

You ripped out your headphones and let the best of your wolf temper surface. "Seriously?" You chastised, furrowing your eyebrows and giving your best what the fuck look as you leaned back to see his whole face.

He chuckled. "Yeah babe, you just ran into me..." He said making all his little friends snicker behind him.

"Funny. Last I checked this was a track, and you walked right in front of me." You countered crossing your arms under your sports bra inadvertently causing your tits to spill out a little bit. Jock boy's eyes glanced down immediately noticing the change, but coming back up and meeting your (Y/E/C) eyes with a darker twinkle than before at the sound of you clearing your throat

He shrugged, "We have a game to warm up for." The movement in his shoulders also made his fingers brush higher on your rib cage, reminding you that he was still holding on to your bare waist. You go to pull away from him but he grips you hard with his calloused fingers, keeping you in place for the briefest of moments, before dropping his rough hands to his sides.

You let out a humorless laugh, "Oh I forgot, silly me!" You added a smack to your forehead for dramatic flair. "It's your world, we're all just living in it." You glanced to his side to see Liam walking towards you and turned back to the cocky, deliciously smelling, boy in front of you. Frowning at yourself as you inhaled a little too quickly just to catch the spiced mint scent again.

"That's it, now you're getting it." He responded with an amused smirk. You roll your eyes in return making his darken a shade. "Go ahead boys, I'll be over in a minute." He said dismissing his minions.

"So how does it work exactly... you say jump and they say how high? Do they ask for your permission to speak too?" His eyes sparkled mischievously at your joke as you caught yourself inhaling again, trying to figure why he smelled so good to you.

"Smell something you like sugar?" His voice sounding deeper than before and brushed against your senses making goosebumps appear on your skin even though you were still sweating from your run. Madder at yourself for reacting to his smell and voice than him calling you out for it, you responded with the only way you knew how to defend yourself: with sass.

"Fuck off." You snarled. His smirk quickly disappeared and his eyes flashed bright yellow as he let a low growl roll from his chest.

"Easy." He said in deep warning. You raised your eyebrow in response as a challenge. He lifted his hand and lightly trailed his thumb back and forth over your lips, and without meaning to you parted them slighty. "You've got a mouth on you baby. Looks like you need to be taught some manners." His eyes bore into yours as he gripped your chin between his thumb and pointer finger. You can't help it but you start breathing heavily as warmth flooded south due to the dominant hold he had on you.

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