Soulmate? (Liam Dunbar) pt.1

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It's simple, really. Everyone has a soulmate. A one-and-only, a person at your side through the cloudiest and stormiest of days. Someone to love you unconditionally. Someone who, despite your mistakes, will never, and I mean never, give up on you. You're drawn them, no matter how far apart you are. You're supposed to want to search the whole wide world for them. After all, they are your other half. When you meet them you're supposed to feel so complete, so happy, so why didn't you feel that way? Why didn't you feel like the world suddenly stopped, like everyone and everything around the two of you just disappeared when you glanced up into those baby blue eyes?

It didn't make any sense. With confusion you looked down at the inked name that had had been engraved into your wrist since the day you were born. The letters spelled it out perfectly; Liam Dunbar. There couldn't be that many people in the world with that name, could there? He had to be the one. You glanced up at him, eyebrows knitted together with confusion as you broke from deep thought. He was your soulmate, right? The boy the teacher had just introduced to the class had to be your soulmate, your perfect puzzle piece.

"Alright, Liam," The teacher said after Liam awkwardly told the class a little bit about him, "Go sit by [Y/n]." Hearing your first name be muttered from the old teacher caused Liam to perk up. [Y/n]... He gripped his wrist tightly as he searched the room for a call, a spark, anything that would confirm what his mind suddenly came to think. He had the name; [Y/n] [Y/l/n] tattooed onto his heart. He knew it like it was his own name.

The rush of hope shimmered down as he locked eyes with you. You were waving weakly, shyly, from your sweat in the back of the class as an attempt to catch the boy's attention, to let him know you were [Y/n]. He sighed, walking over to take a seat next to you numbly. He had got his hoped up for nothing. Cleary you couldn't be his soulmate. Soulmates are supposed to be drawn to each other. They're supposed to know that they're other half is in the room the moment they lock eyes with them, but he felt nothing when he looked at you. Nothing at all. He assumed you were just a girl with the same first name as his soulmate.

"Hi," You whispered, leaning over towards him and putting a small smile onto your lips despite how disappointed you were that he wasn't your soulmate, he couldn't be you didn't feel it, "I'm [Y/n]. [Y/n] [Y/l/n]." You said. He turned to you in a flash with a face laced with shock, wondering- could it be? Maybe it was just a simple mistake that you hadn't felt the attraction and, in fact, you really were his soulmate.

He glanced down at your wrist which was covered by the plaid shirt you had borrowed from your best friend, Stiles. "Can I see?" He asked quietly, though he didn't address your wrist, you knew what he meant. It was the words that were bubbling up in your throat. You nodded, pulling an awkward smile before you hooked your fingers onto the plaid sleeve and pulled it down. Nervously he took a peak, heart beating faster and faster as he wondered if you could possibly be the one he was meant to be with. He let out a small gasp as he looked at the name etched into your skin.

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