Alpahs knot pt.1 (MATURE) (sterek)

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The Alpha howled inside of Derek's head as the Kanima nipped the back of his neck and he fell face first to the floor. He was frail. Vulnerable. At the mercy of the Kanima.

But the Kanima was distracted as stupid, valiant Stiles came to his rescue. It was humiliating. Derek wanted to growl but even that was hard even if his Alpha healing powers were slowly - too slowly - starting to kick in.

"Derek. " Stiles hissed, hoping the Kanima had not heard him. He managed to turn Derek on his back before the Kanima nipped his neck as well.

"Idiot." Derek hissed through gritted teeth while inside of his head his Alpha Wolf was howling again. "Mine. Protect. Mine. Mine."

"Forgive me for trying to save you." Stiles replied. In a very Stiles-like manner.


"Yes?" If Derek hadn't known better he could have sworn Stiles was just peachy fine and dandy. But he did know better. He could smell it. Stiles was terrified and helpless and more vulnerable than ever before.

"Protect. Mine!" The Alpha fought to get out. Fought to make Derek's body work again. And Derek allowed it for he knew it was his only chance. Except it didn't work. The Alpha howled in frustration. So loud Derek thought for sure he'd be deaf.

The only thing he managed to shift was one finger nail on the hand between his and Stiles' body.

"What are you doing? " Stiles asked sensing him wiggle around like a lost and pitiful puppy.

"Starting the healing process." Derek hissed his eyes flashing the faintest of red slithers as he shoved hid claw in his own upper thigh with every ounce of strength both him and his Alpha could muster.

Stiled made a noise.

"What were you thinking? " Derek shouted at Stiles later that night in the human's bedroom.

"I was trying to save your life!" Stiles shouted back with just as much strength.

"Did I look like I needed saving?"

"Yes!" Stiles squealed back, his voice one octave too high.

Derek was taken aback. He opened his mouth to reply but Stiles' scent invaded all of his scenes. Something was off about it. Derek sniffed the air.

"You really thought I was gonna die." He took another deep breath inhaling Stiles' scent. "You were worried." It came as a total surprise.

"Stop sniffing me..." Stiles replied shying his eyes from Derek's in a gesture that his Alpha Wolf only interpreted as submission. It growled appreciatively, possessivly as Derek felt his body heat go up about ten whole degrees.

He couldn't stop his feet from moving. Crossing the distance between him and Stiles.

"YOU! Could have died!" Stiles lifted his eyes. Derek saw the exact moment when Stiles realized he was right.

"Yeah... Well... clearly I didn't think things through well enough..."

"Or at all." Derek supplied crossing his arms over his chest. Stiles rolled his eyes.

"You needed me..."

Derek growled out loud. This time is was all him. Though the Alpha agreed completely. He grabbed Stiles by the shoulders and shook him until Stiles' head was bobbing back and forward like a wobble head.

"Had I not been an Alpha and had healing..."

"But you are an Alpha." Stiles answered quietly looking with his big brown doe eyes right into Derek's very core.

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