The Little Things (SCISAAC) part.1 (Series contains mature content)

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Scott was busy having a heated argument with his mother. She did not want him leaving town on Friday for boys' night. She seemed to be suffering from the delusion that the term was a euphemism for some dangerous werewolf battle.

'That's enough Scott!' she snapped shrilly. 'To your room now!'

He grumbled and glowered at her darkly before ascending the stairs with the werewolf speed which always made her a little uncomfortable. He hurried to his room and banged the door loudly. Sighing, he sat down at his desk.

He began doing his Chemistry homework slowly, distracted when it began to rain outside. He looked at his windowpanes, which seemed like melting silver across an inky sky. There was something charged in the air tonight, he could almost feel it.

There was a knock at the door.

'Not now, Mom,' he said agitatedly.

The door opened, and something about the slowness of the motion made Scott turn around to see who it was. It was Isaac, with his white shirt plastered wetly onto the contours of his impressive chest. Scott looked at him in surprise while trying to reign in his sudden feeling of arousal.

'I - I was wondering if I could ask you a favour?'

'Yeah?' said Scott gently.

'Derek kicked me out,' Isaac stated without preamble. 'So I was wondering if - if I could stay here for a while?'

Scott was suddenly overcome with affection for Isaac. He looked absolutely pitiful with his messed up hair and wet clothes. He felt a strong surge of hatred for Derek, who knew what Isaac had been through and had still been so callous.

'Of course you can, man,' said Scott. 'Let me show you the spare room.'

He got up excitedly and smiled at Isaac. If Isaac was going to stay with him, it would definitely be fun. Maybe his grin was too huge because Isaac's eyebrow quirked up inquisitively. Scott approached him slowly and made to leave.

Isaac's grip was steel iron. Scott gasped at the electricity he felt from the contact.

'Wait, don't you need to ask your Mom first?'

Oh, right. This wasn't really the best time to be asking favours from his mother but it couldn't be helped.

'Yeah, um, I'll go talk to her. But first let me get you some towels.'

Scott quickly rustled up some of the spare towels and gave them to Isaac, who accepted them gratefully. He then went to where his mother sat in the kitchen, calmly chewing on her casserole.

'Hey, Mom -

'It's okay, honey, I know you're sorry -

'Ha ha,' snorted Scott. 'As if.'

She looked absolutely terrifying with narrowed eyes.

'Okay, okay, I am,' he said quickly, hoping to warm her up.

'Good,' she said, relieved.

When he lingered in the doorway, she shrugged in a carefree manner before taking another bite.

'There's something else I wanted to ask you. It's Isaac. He doesn't have a place to go. Can he stay with us for a bit?'

She brightened instantly.

'Of course he can!' she enthused. 'He's such a nice kid. He'll keep you out of trouble.'

Later, as Scott lay in bed, he couldn't help but laugh when he remembered his mother's words. The feeling of arousal he had gotten upon seeing Isaac had only gotten stronger as time went by. He'd always had a bit of a crush on him, and now that crush had been ignited strongly. So, Isaac looked great with his see through T shirt clinging to him. He needed to get over it. He didn't want Isaac to get uncomfortable and leave.

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