Everything Is Better Wet (Stiles Stilinski) (MATURE)

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You shuffled your way into the bleachers, making sure to get a seat right near the top so that you could get a good view of the pitch. Mainly the players on it, you found an empty seat right at the top, luckily two of your best friends were in the seats next to it. Malia and Lydia were sitting there chatting away, you smiled at them both giving them a wave so they would see you.

Squeezing your way through the waves of students the best you could, you slowly made your way up to where they were seated. Lydia noticed you first smiling and waving back enthusiastically, while Malia noticed you soon after she gave you her usual half smile and nod of her head. Finally you made it through the barging students and to where your friends were sitting, with a sigh of relief you took your seat next to Lydia on the end of the row.

"Finally she's here! Where the hell were you Y/N?" Lydia questioned you, with a little annoyance lacing her tone.

"I'm so sorry Lyds! Honestly i got here as quick as i could, the guidance councilor called me in" you explained, hoping she wouldn't want you to go into to much detail, that being said this was Lydia.

"So, what did she want?" Lydia asked, raising her eyebrows questioningly at you, but as you opened your mouth to answer the crowd burst into loud cheers.

"Later yeah?" you promised, she smiled agreeing with a little nod of her head.

You both stood from your seats followed by Malia, you all shout for your friend as the Beacon Hills team jogs onto the field, the captain Scott your alpha, followed by his team. Which included Stiles, Kira, Liam and Danny. The crowd roared as everyone took their places on the field, facing off with the opposing team.

By the end of the game the home team had finally won this season, with a small advantage but still they won! "I just hope that Danny's okay!" you said to the girls as you all walked over to your lockers.

"I agree! That snap didn't sound great that's for sure" Lydia said sympathetically, wincing at the mere memory of the noise.

"Could of been worse, he's not dead" Malia shrugged lightly, you and Lydia couldn't help but smile at her, you were both so used to her now it didn't shock you the way it used to.

"Are you gonna be needing a lift Y/N sweetie" Lydia smiled flipping her flawless hair over her shoulder, tilting her head at you in a typical Lydia fashion.

"Thanks honey, but i actually need to talk to Stiles about something, but thanks, i catch up with you guys later" you winked, giving both of the girls a hug goodbye, you walked away and headed for the boys locker room.

You spotted Scott leaving the locker room throwing his bag over his shoulder, you quickly jogged over to him, "Hey Scott! Great game!" you smiled pulling him into a hug, he hugged you back tightly.

"We still on for later on tonight" Scott asked as you both pulled back from each other.

"Yeah as far as i know, have you seen Stiles" you asked your alpha.

"Okay cool, yeah he's still in the locker room, last one as always" Scott chuckled.

"Okay thanks Scott, see you later" you smile.

"No problem Y/N, catch you later" Scott winked as he walked off.

As you turn to walk towards the boys locker room, you realize that the hallways are completely empty of your fellow students, who by now were probably either on their way home or in the parking lot. You opened the main door to the locker room, shutting it gently behind you, you walked forward a little through the colums of lockers looking for Stiles by his locker but you couldn't find him.

You almost gave up looking for him, until you heard the sound of running water a little further down, the shower you guessed. Swearing under your breath you quickly darted behind the closest bit of cover you could find, which just so happened too be one of the walls surrounding the shower block.

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