Did i really lose? (Brett Talbot)

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"What are you two talking about?" You asked curious.

Liam and Mason were hunched over and talking in hushed tones, and the moment you arrived all conversation ceased.

"Nothing." They answered in unison, both looking like deer in the headlights.

You raised your brow in suspicion. You didn't have to be a werewolf to know that both of them were lying, or specifically Liam was. Growing up with him, you always knew when something was up.

"It...It's just about the game later." He stammered.

"You sure?"

He nodded. He was starting to get uncomfortable under your penetrating gaze.

"Anyway," Mason interjected in an attempt to change the subject, "have you studied for that Biology test later?"

"Biology test?" You asked tentatively. "What Biology test?"

"The one we're having about DNA and RNA."

Your eyes narrowed at the information and face palmed. "Oh crap! I totally forgot about that." Grabbing your bag, you smiled and waved. "See you guys later."

Once you were out of earshot, however, Mason turned to Liam and smacked his shoulder. "Dude."

"What? You know I hate keeping secrets from her."


The game was a close win for BHHS. It was just some friendly competition against Devenford Prep, but a win is a win nonetheless. So there you were at the after party with the rest of the student body having fun -that was until Liam texted you about some sort of emergency and you reluctantly had to leave. He also texted you an address of where to meet up which you found odd because it was usually either at Scott's house or the animal clinic.

It only took you a few minutes to reach the place. From afar, you noticed a silhouette of a man casually leaning against the wall. You were wary at first, but as you drew closer, you recognized him to be a familiar face.

"Brett? What are you-" You paused and looked around for any sign of the pack, but it appeared you were all alone. Putting two and two together, you pursed your lips and stated, "There's no supernatural emergency, is there?"

"No...though there is a surprise." He smirked.

"Surprise?" Your brows creased in confusion and then it dawned on you. "Is this why Liam was so flustered earlier?" You asked.

He laughed. "Maybe. Come on."

He motioned for you to follow and you fell into step beside him. Both of you walked in comfortable silence.

"Sorry about the game earlier." You said after a while.

"Nah. It's okay. It's for charity anyway," he replied shrugging. "And besides, you can't win them all."

You arrived at some playground, but it was too dark to make out anything.

"So are you ready for the big surprise?" His voice lilt with eagerness.

You nodded. You heard a click and everything was now covered in twinkling lights illuminating the entire playground. Music also started playing in the background. Your mind was blank but your heart was speeding up like a freight train but in a good way.

"You had Liam agree to do this?" You asked breathless taking it all in. You were still in awe of it all. This was the first time anyone has ever done this for you.

"He wasn't exactly forthcoming about it, but yes."


"I made a deal. I told him I'd help him do drills with the sophomores on his team."

"Which team are you truly playing at?" You chuckled.

"Yours." He answered winking.

"So all this," you said gesturing around you. "Just for me?"

"How else was I supposed to get you to go out with me?" He was grinning like an idiot.

"You could've just asked me."

"Where's the fun in that?" He then extended out his hand and asked, "May I?"

You placed your hands in his and he took the lead, your bodies gently swaying with the rhythm.

In the middle of the dance, he whispered, "So tell me, did I really lose?"

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