Claming (THIAM) (MATURE)

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Liam woke up sweating.

He slowly ran a hand down his naked chest and stomach in attempt to mop up the wetness emanating from his skin. It wasn't even that hot in his room and he always slept with his fan on high so he didn't understand why he would be overheating... and then it hit him. The tingles that had trailed after his hand and then spread out running across his sweat slicked skin leaving goosebumps in their wake, the enhanced ability to smell everything little thing on top of his already heightened wolf sense, and the raw aching between his legs that had started as soon as he opened his eyes. He rolled over to look at the clock on his nightstand and groaned when the soft material of his sheets gently caressed his throbbing cock. He had started his heat and he had to be at school in a fucking hour.

Scott had warned him about this after he got the bite. His alpha had mentioned that at some point his body would fully accept his wolf and then his wolf would want to claim and be claimed. Scott had told him that, when it hit, it would happen every other month or so until he finally mated with someone.

Liam sighed. He and his wolf had been through so much the in the past two years. Getting bitten, his IED, a beast, the wild hunt, a fear demon Anukite thingy, and hunters... lots of blood thirsty piece of shit hunters. After all of that had finally settled down he guessed his wolf finally thought it was time: he and his wolf finally become one.

Honestly, he was surprised that, minus the very very small one he had a little over a month ago, it hadn't happened sooner. But they had been quite preoccupied so maybe his wolf was waiting until they were both safe before he decided to search for a mate. Smart. But did he have to pick now? He was wrapping up his junior year of high school and still had so much life to live before choosing one person to bind himself to for the rest of however long werewolves lived.

His cock twitched and he moaned as the sheets scratched across the head, getting stuck to the pearl of pre-cum. He closed his eyes again and traced the outline of the small wet spot on his sheets, teasing himself, groaning and pulsing as more blood shot down to his aching balls. Liam ran his fingertip down his length shuddering at the soft touch over the cotton. When he reached the base he rubbed his palm up and down a few times before finally tossing the sheets off his sweaty body and gripped himself roughly.

Upon the contact he snarled and thrust up into his fist. Whimpering as the dry skin against skin gave more friction than he could handle. He quickly brought his hand up and spit into his palm filthily, the raunchiness of the sound making him hotter. When his callused hand returned to slick up his beyond hard cock, he twitched. Every piece of him now super sensitive due to his heat.

"Oh, fuck!" He cried out after the third pass from base to tip and over the weeping slit.

He brought his other hand up to his mouth and pushed some more spit onto the pads of two finger, lathering them and then letting them hover over his beaded nipple. He knew what happened to his nipples when he was in heat... he had experienced a small taste of it during his mini heat and honestly still hadn't recovered.

He tapped the bud lightly and the zing it sent straight to his cock had his hips flying off the bed. Yeah, nope, not ready. He put more spit on the two fingers and floated them down to his balls, gently trailing them against the small patch of skin just beneath them.

Liam began to stroke his length languidly, enjoying everything that was happening in his body, until it wasn't enough and he needed more. More of what though? He thought as he pumped faster and harder. Seeking the missing element and snarling at himself when he couldn't seem to find it.

The wire in low in his belly coiled tightly, he was flailing now, both hands rubbing as fast as they could until one twitch had his two fingers slip lower and press against his tight hole.

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