Its just busniess (sterek) (MATURE) pt.2

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Normally, Stiles absolutely hated these sort of events. It was nothing but a ballroom full of people dressed to the nines just sucking up the the next richest person nearest them. Derek always invited him, and Stiles always declined. It wasn't like he didn't trust Derek. These events were just par for the course when it came to Derek's business. They needed funding for so many projects and research and he knew how to smooze when needed. Usually, Derek would bring Lydia, Jackson, and Peter. They were all particularly good at it getting new investors. Stiles' skill set was more in doing actual research and he was more than happy to be behind the scenes. However, during this fundraiser, he was in attendance. This was their annual Halloween fundraiser - always themed accordingly. Given it was Stiles' favorite holiday, he would at least have some fun with it. But that wasn't why he came to this event, he came because he really wanted to frustrate Kate. After their first encounter, and each brief one since, she has been snide and dismissive. Derek would remind her time and time again who Stiles was to him and she would feign ignorance and "apologize" for her attitude. She was walking a thin line and Derek was prepared to find a way to get rid of her. Peter, despite his dislike of her as well, did note she was good for productivity. But everyone was actively looking for someone they could replace her with.

Stiles was standing in aggravation while Derek's tux was getting last minute adjustments. Stiles had his own suite ready to go, but Derek being the head of the company he had to look 'absolutely perfect,' at least that was what Lydia said.


"You know, you always look good," Stiles sighed, Derek's lapel being adjusted for the 18th time.

"So do you. But even I know you can't go out like that," Derek rolled his eyes.


"I'll get dressed once I can be assured they're done groping you," Stiles gestured towards the seamstress, "The less time in that suit the better."

"We leave in 5 minutes," Derek informed and the seamstress bowed back. Stiles turned around to go pull on the suite he hated but looked damn good in. Stiles gave him a mock salute and crept back to his own fitting room. He wasn't jazzed about the night in general, but he did look forward to making Kate as uncomfortable as possible. As he finished pulling his jacket closed Derek came in behind him, looking as stunning as always. He stepped up behind Stiles in the mirror and gave him a soft kiss on his neck.

"Don't be a brat tonight," he smiled.

"You like when I'm a brat," Stiles countered.

"Don't be a brat to donors," Derek corrected.

"Fiiinnneee," Stiles conceded and turned to plant a kiss on Derek's lips, "Ready to go?"

"The car is here," he nodded and they made their way out of the fitting room.

The fundraiser was exactly as ostentatious as Stiles expected. There were practically champagne fountains at every table. The theme was at least spot on. There were black and purple twinkle lights, twisted trees and spiderwebs everywhere. He was almost impressed with how not awful it looked. The food was themed too. He suspected Derek did that for him.

"You have bloody finger foods," Stiles grinned.

"Thought you'd appreciate it," he hooked his arm around Stiles' waist.

"I do indeed," he gave Derek a gentle kiss on the jaw. Lydia was approaching them, looking as immaculate and vampy as ever. She had posed for a few photos along the way as she was one to multi-task. Stiles imagined Peter was nearby. Her and Peter had been secretly canoodling. He wasn't sure why they were being secretive about it. Stiles wasn't a wolf and even he could figure it out, no overpowered sense of smell needed.

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