Late at night (sterek)

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Derek parked near the edge of Lake Morgan. He and Stiles exited the car, then stood by each other on the soft shore, water lapping close to their feet. Every single thing around them-the wide trees, the shallow hills, the quiet lake itself-was covered under the blanket of night. There wasn't any sound, or any people.

As Derek glanced up, he saw the moon, partly obscured by a darkened cloud. Rays of moonlight glimmered down onto the area. He could see a frail dock nearby, where a green little boat was tied to it. Even in the dark, it was all so quietly relaxing, a place anyone could feel at home. But they had come here for a specific reason, and Derek felt his nerves pulse consistently, as if in warning of something.

"Are you sure about this, Stiles?" Derek asked, hoping his voice stayed level.

Without answering him, Stiles silently moved forward. He turned around and faced Derek, then easily slipped off his shoes. Derek could do nothing more than stare with complete, devoted attention as Stiles gracefully slid out of his clothes.

Derek gulped hard when Stiles stood bare in front of him. His lover's beauty had never ceased to captivate his soul, always occupying his mind. He focused solely on Stiles' muscular physique, already so familiar with every inch. Derek yearned to reach out and hold him close to his body. Maybe pull up Stiles' slender leg around his waist, and take him completely out in the wilderness, where no one could find them.

Then Stiles switched around to the lake. He glided ahead, hardly making a sound as he walked into the water. His body became obscured more and more as each second drifted by, until he nearly disappeared from sight.

Derek breathed out from the sight of Stiles in his unclothed form, floating ethereally.

His arms smoothly flew about back and forth in the water, keeping himself afloat. Surrounded by the expanse of the lake, Stiles gently moved around, his head and neck still visible to Derek's eyes. He had only swum out to the point where his legs could no longer touch the bottom. He was so close by, so near to Derek's longing touch...

Still on the shore, Derek watched Stiles float, his fair shoulders like little hills above the dark rippling liquid. He was entirely mythical, a sensual creature that astounded Derek. He felt ashamed to be afraid right now, as if he were letting Stiles down.

"I'm getting a little lonely in here all by myself," Stiles said, his voice traveling softly across the lake's surface.

Turning his head, Derek checked their surroundings to ensure no one had arrived unexpectedly, though it seemed more like he was trying to get rid of time instead.

"You're not afraid, are you?" Stiles asked, a teasing, provocative glimmer deeply set in his eyes.

And then Derek suddenly understood how much he desired to be next to Stiles. As long as Stiles was his, Derek would do everything in his power to show him how much he loved him.

Tearing off his shirt, Derek flung it to the ground, then immediately pulled off his shoes. He made quick work of his jeans, yanking them down. With just his underwear left, Derek waited a moment, looking ahead at Stiles, who stared back in quiet awe. Then without prolonging it any further, he took off his underwear.

Derek, having never felt more alive than right now, began walking nude towards the water. He paused when the cold lake water touched his ankles, then continued onward. Gradually, he closed up the distance between him and Stiles until his own feet floated above the bottom of the lake.

Sighing blissfully, Derek drifted around. Warm now, he floated momentarily on his back, gazing upward at the night sky. Hundreds of far-away stars coated the ceiling of the sky, blinking and glittering down upon them. Then he felt Stiles' hand skirt tenderly down his body, traveling across his abdomen, his thigh, and back up to his heart.

"It's just you and me, big guy," Stiles whispered to him.

Moving back into a vertical position, Derek gathered Stiles up in his arms and replied, "Always."

Then they swam around, playfully chasing each other. Stiles, laughing gleefully, splashed Derek whenever the perfect opportunity arose. Derek, shaking the water from his head, smirked at Stiles and produced a large wave with his hands, splashing him perfectly.

The darkness deepened as they stayed longer and longer. Not knowing exactly what time it was, both of them decided they were ready to depart. Stiles swum lightly to the shore, Derek following close behind.

Water dripped from their bodies as they came out of the lake. Stiles' slender body stood bright and bewitching within the moonlight, framed by the unrelenting darkness. Before they dried off, Derek grabbed Stiles and held him tightly against his chest. Stiles rested his head against him, feeling loved and secure in Derek's unyielding embrace.

After drying off with towels they brought, they changed back into their clothes.

Driving away from the lake felt like they were leaving home. Derek briefly thought about what it would be like to live in the water with Stiles, hidden safely from the outside world. If it were entirely possible, they could make a sanctuary for themselves, protected and nourished and able to thrive. Then he decided that what they had now was more perfect than any other scenario.

For the time being, they said goodbye to the lake. Whenever they chose to come back, Derek knew he would be the one prompting it instead.

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