Dont Wake Me Up (Liam Dunbar)

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"You look terrible." Stiles, your jackass of an older brother said as you walked out of your room in the dimly lit morning. You shot him a glare as you headed to the bathroom, choosing to ignore his comment rather than spit your insults. You weren't in the mood, and he could clearly see that as he followed you into the small confined space, his eyes wondering your slouched figure. Something was different, no, something was wrong. You always had something to say, so the lack of insults and sarcasm seemed to worry your overprotective brother. He stepped closer to you, leaning down to look into your tired, bloodshot and drowsy eyes.

You gave him a look, taking a step back so he wasn't as close to you as he was before. It proved pointless as he took a step closer to you. "Hey, dumbass, have you ever heard of this thing called personal space?" You grumbled, refusing to look directly in his amber eyes. He ignored your comment, still studying your figure. "Can I help you?" You asked again, placing your hands on your hips.

"You're still having them, aren't you?" He asked loudly, already noticing the dilation of your eyes. You pursed your lips, shaking your head with a sigh. "Y/N, look at me." He said, shaking your shoulders. "Are you still having nightmares?"


"Y/N Claudia Stilinski." Stiles snapped, using your full name. You winced and sighed, hanging your head with a reluctant nod as you kicked at the invisible dirt on the floor. "Why didn't you tell me? You know what they do to you."

"Stiles, I am fine. Okay? Stop worrying about me so much." He wasn't convinced, but the look in your eyes told him to leave it alone. He left the bathroom, muttering to himself about your stubbornness. You just smiled weakly to yourself, shutting the door before turning to look at your face in the mirror, taking note of the dark circles underneath your eyes. "Today is going to suck." You said to yourself, reaching to turn the faucet on with a sigh nestled deep in your throat. "Really going to suck."

"You look terrible." Liam, your best friend said as he walked over to stand next to you at your locker, his lips pressed into a thin line as he looked you over with a concerned look. You knew he was staring at the dark circles, and that upset you just a little bit. You looked up at him with a scowl written on your features, narrowing your eyes dangerously. He put his hands up in surrender, smiling nervously. "I'm just stating an obvious fact."

"Incorrect. You're stating an opinion, and if I were you, I would keep it to yourself." You spat, yanking your books out of your locker before slamming it shut. "You asshole." You added, heading off towards your foreign language class with the stuttering werewolf following you. You picked up your pace, hoping to lose him in the crowd of hormonal teenagers. That proved pointless, because he still continued to follow you.

"Y/N! Wait." He said, grabbing your wrist to stop you. You yanked your arm away, turning to look at him with cold eyes. "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." He said, putting a hand on your shoulder with an apologetic look. You snorted, rolling your eyes as you nibbled on your lip. "I'm serious. Please forgive me." He said, almost pleadingly. You folded your arms, pressing your binder against your chest tightly. You raised an eyebrow at him, a smirk sliding on your face. "I'll do your homework for the next two weeks if you forgive me." He bargained, puckering his lips sourly. You clapped a hand on his shoulder, smiling with a twinkle of mischief in your eyes.

"Love you Dunbar." You said, turning and entering the cold classroom, a smirk rising on your face when you heard his disbelieving 'oh come on'!

School dragged on for as long as it could, and when the final bell rang, you hurried from your seat towards the outside world, banging on the door with a loud yell. "Freedom at last!" You screeched, bounding down the steps towards the Jeep. A bunch of people looked at you and you growled at them. "What the fuck are you looking at?" You snapped, ignoring their looks. You tossed your bag over your shoulder, running your fingers through your hair in relief.

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