I'm fine. (Sterek)

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Stiles just didn't know how he always got himself into these situations like come on! Give him a break! There he was running through the woods and who might he be running from? An alpha wolf you say? Nope! A darach? A witch? No and no, wanna hear it in Spanish? No! A freaking normal wolf was chasing him! Not a werewolf, but an actual wolf!

Like what the actual fuck!? He turned to glance behind him and it was right there! Stiles made a sharp right then left. He was almost there. Come on come on come on. He can hear his heart beat in his ear, now he knows how the wolves feel.

"Derek, I swear to god if you allow me to be werewolf chow I'm breaking up with you!" Stiles yelled as he ran faster in the direction of the newly rebuilt Hale House, "fuck, Derek" he whined under his breath, swerving a few times.

"Ok I probably won't break up with you, but I'll be really mad and no lasagna for a month... or steak!" Now he's just yelling praying that Derek would hear him and save him.

"Der-" he's on the ground, a spike of pain shooting from his wrist, why, you ask? Did the wolf catch him? Nope! He tripped! Not on a stick or a rock, but on his own two feet! Fuck his life!

Come on Stiles! Get your head in the game. He turns around and his eyes widen as the wolf, walking, not running anymore, but walking as if he was mocking Stiles! Not cool wolf! Not cool!

The wolf leaned over Stiles and Stiles tried to scoot back, dragging himself backwards with his hands, but screamed in pain and clenched his right hand to his chest. A soft whimper escaped Stiles closed mouth and next thing he knew a large black wolf tackled the misty grey wolf. Derek.

Stiles got up and held his hand to his chest, watching as the wolf ran away whimpering with its tail between its legs, Derek growling at it. "Th-thanks" Stiles was suddenly cold, the adrenaline wearing off.

Derek walked over to Stiles and shifted back. He held out his hand and reached for Stiles's. He held his hand closer to his chest. Derek scanned Stiles body up and down.

"Are you hurt?" Derek asked, his eyes glowing. It was dark out.

"Just a few scrapes and bruises, I'm fine, lets go" Stiles turned around and headed in that direction, but Derek's hands were suddenly on his shoulder, the bare parts, near his neck.

"You're in pain" Derek said, his veins turning black, "let me see, I won't do anything till we get to the house, but please?"

Derek Hale had just said please. Derek tried to slowly turn Stiles, but Stiles wouldn't budge, not until he used a bit more force. "I'm fine".

"Are you trying to convince me or yourself that" Derek asked.

"Both" was the reply he received.

Derek chuckled, "I love you".

"I love you too Sourwolf, but it's still a no" Stiles pecked him.

"Let me see" Derek insisted.

"It's not broken, I'm fine" Stiles insisted back.

"Let me see it" Derek sighed and gently pried Stiles's hand away from his injured hand. Stiles injured hand laid on one of Derek, while his other one hovered, "fine my ass, it's broken!"

"Well your ass is fine" Stiles grinned, letting Derek look at his hand.

Derek was glad Stiles was ok enough to crack jokes, "yeah yeah".

"Come on let's get you home and I'll fix you up, I'll shift and you could ride me" Derek said, backing up a bit, letting go of his hand.

"Uh Derek isn't that animal abuse... and just plain wrong" Stiles joked and chuckled at the eye roll he received from his lover.

Derek shifted to full form again and nudged Stiles leg, "ok ok, I'm getting on!"

Stiles got on Derek's back and wrapped his arms around Derek's neck, wincing, that's when Derek shot off in the direction of the loft.

When they had gotten there and into Derek's bedroom, he got off and went to the bathroom, but couldn't take another step. Derek was pulling his shirt back with his teeth and made him sit on the bed. Derek shifted back. He quickly got dressed and kneeled in front of Stiles.

"Can I have your hand?" Derek asked softly, a voice he only used when pack members were hurt and scared or just Stiles whenever he deems it appropriate.

"In marriage? Of course big guy! I mean this isn't how I imagined you asking m-"


"Right, sorry, here" Stiles gave him his hand and bit his lip. He watched as Derek held it with care and used his other hand to get gauze and bandages. When he was ready he stared Stiles right in the eyes when he snapped it back in place with no warning. Stiles could cry, his eyes watered, but the pain was gone before he could. Derek kissed his wrist and wrapped it.

"How do you feel" Derek whispered.

"Better, thank you" he whispered.

"No problem, I love you" Derek said.

"I love you too, Sourwolf" Stiles replied and laid down, Derek joining him when he was done.

They cuddled, Stiles head on Derek's chest, his injured hand was on Derek's stomach, and Derek was flat on his back with a hand around his waist.

"You need to shower" Derek whispered softly.

"You can help me with that later too, big boy"

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